Three of my favorite Denver Bronco fans, Jeremy, Brittany and Addy. It was a close game but we are grateful our Broncos have advanced to the Super Bowl. Come over and play with
Blue Monday. Sally is our gracious hostess.
I had to share this silly cartoon dog asking this silly man if he was staying for one night or an extended stay? I love laughter so I had to share this one. I hope
Sandee will enjoy it too and all those fun folks at Aw...Monday!
Mr. Bandito loved this big comfy bed. Then Leo got upset one night when we all had to leave for a while and shredded this bed. He has a thing for soft cuddly stuffed animals and I think he thought he should use this as a giant chew toy! We still love Leo, he is a people person and does not like to be left alone.
Yes Leo, I am talking about you! Leo loves the bed and when my hubby leave every morning he hops up on the bed and settles in for a comfy cozy nap. Come visit
Sandee and all the folks who share their furry friends.
Love is...warms my heart and this one was my hubby and I yesterday and today shopping, shopping, shopping for some healthy alternatives. I am joining my friend Annie at Beachbody to try and shed a few pounds for Jeremy's wedding and get a good workout too! I will share my progress here.
Not making light of the big storms hitting parts of our country but I had to share this! It really gave me a good laugh.
These make the rounds at social media and I sure get a kick out of them. These two golden rules are certainly true!
I love Batman, not too crazy about this movie coming out pitting Batman against Superman! Why turn good against good? Isn't the world sad enough some days? But this is one of those Batman pins that just makes me crack up laughing! It ranks right up there with this one:
I'm sorry, this one was just too silly not to share! Now where did I put my tiara?
My precious buddy Jayden with his sweet bow tie and his pretty momma Tarrah. They were at a Great Gatsby dinner dance event for Downs Syndrome last night. Today my lil great grandboy was rough housing with his grandpa Scott and fell and broke his collarbone. Say some prayers for him. The emergency room doctors confirmed the break but could only give him a sling for his arm. They said it would heal so think about this kiddo as he is in lots of pain.

I will be doing a couple My BoJon Heritage posts this week. Time gets away from me. I have a really busy schedule everyday so sometime I get sidetracked. I love kindess. I love people who are kind even if they are having a really bad day. I like to be kind. It comes from being raised in a BoJon household by two really kind parents. We were never bullied at school nor did we bully anyone. We went to Catholic school. You had to make a pact with your friends, so we never ratted each other out, we never were mean spirited. We watched each others backs. You never wanted that nun to give you a beating. It meant she would call your mom, then your mom would give it to you when you got home and once your dad came in from work, look out, it started all over again. I never was beaten by my parents. I towed that straight line. Of course, at school, those nuns tried to keep you in the box. I was the youngest child in my phamily. The girl who liked to have fun so they could never fully contain me and keep me in their container. I have always been an outta the box kinda girl. So I hung around so many wonderful kids like myself, BoJons and Mexican kids. Most of our dads worked at the steel mill. Most of us had moms that stayed home and raised the kids. We did not know what prejudice was. We figured God created all the BoJon kids just like the Mexican kids and we got along.

I have been very blessed throughout my life. I have always had good friends to watch out for me. Some of them I have known nearly my entire life. Others I met in high school and later college, and the workplace. In December, I lost a wonderful friend, his name was Mike J. Barnett. Lots of folks called him Barns and Barney. He had an assortment of nicknames but one thing he had was a kind heart. I don't think there are too many people like him. He would give you the shirt off his back if he thought you needed it. He was a lot of fun to hang out with and he could make you smile and laugh and simply have fun. He had a mom who bowled with my mom, those BoJons are like that, and we were raised in similar households. When Mike passed away, way too young, way too unexpectedly, it broke the hearts of so many people. He has a gorgeous daughter, Ashlee, she misses her dad. His brother Patrick is one of those guys you would love too. He has a boxer and he is always sharing boxers on his social media with regarding to rescue dogs. Those men were raised right. Patrick is hurting now too, missing an older brother he spoke with everyday. I never spoke with Mike that he did not mention phamily and how much he cared about those he was related to. I learned a lot of good things about my friend when he passed away. I already knew he was a super guy but you know, I never heard him talk about anyone disrespectfully. People started to tell stories about him and they all had that one common theme, kindness. I sat here and cried when Charles McCandless who is a train operator for RTD told a story about Mike. He said Mike was a local kid who worked his way into being a senor conductor at the Union Pacific Railroad. He told stories that he and Mike shared about riding on the train and all the things the rest of us take for granted. Like jumping off the train in the middle of the night in the freezing cold weather to switch the tracks. You know, I knew Mike since I was a junior in high school, and he never bragged about his accomplishments. But I knew he was a good decent man and he loved his phamily. He use to get very serious and ask me how I could have left our hometown. He would smile and say "Be it ever so humble, there is no place like home." He had faith in God and he trusts the man upstairs to take care of all of us. He never excluded anyone and always made you feel like you could pick up where you left off. He was that kind of friend. I try to share my thoughts about him with his daughter and brother and always want them to know how much he was loved by others and how much they meant to him. I hope I can share more stories about this great friend here as I write my BoJon journal. It is hard for me to believe he won't talk with me in the middle of the night when I can't sleep and roam my house while my hubby and part of the phamily who still lives here sleeps. He had a knack for knowing the right things to say to each person he knew. My life was better just because I knew him. He loved those Denver Broncos and during the last two minutes of the game today, I came into my bedroom where a beautiful canvas photo of my mom hangs. I looked at that picture and I said, "Listen ma, I know you are watching these silly Broncos so tell God to please let them win and make sure you tell dad and Mike Barnett thanks for rooting for our team up there." So Michael J. Barnett, I know you are sharing your new life with our Lord and enjoying the heavens. Here are a couple shares that remind me of you.

Here is a Snoopy for Mike too:
Finally a little railroad humor.
Everyone thanks for stopping by and come back soon.
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