Sally you are gonna see some blue today! A real American gentleman, a hero in football, a man filled with dignity and kindness. So happy for Peyton Manning and the Denver Bronco football team. Never been much of a fan of Mr. Elway but when he hoisted that Lombardi trophy and said, "This one's for Pat", I lost it! An emotional season, an underdog going in to the Super Bowl. I pray like Peyton too except I do ask God if He could give me a little nudge in the winning direction! Happy for Gary Kubiak, the first coach to win a Super Bowl with the same team he played for. A nice win. Von Miller, oh Lord, we know Von was the MVP! He let Cam Newton get a good view of the Levi Stadium laying on his back! I am just happy no one was seriously injured. Cam will learn, he needs a little humility, some grace, some stepping back for a moment. He will be back. I have no doubts, he is an excellent QB! As a dancer, terrific too!

This morning I said Lord, did you put this verse on my heart to remind me that Peyton Manning is a kind heart? It is fitting for this Super Bowl 5 - 0 win!
A QB deserving of this win! He brought so much to Denver and when fans who followed him with the Colts remark how they still love this man (except when he plays their team) you know he has done something right.
Gotta love my girlfriends in Indy!
The excitement, the electricity, the emotion! Love these Bronco boys!
Denver's Union Station decked out in blue and orange. These guy made us all so very proud.
The ultimate Super Bowl fans, and all time Bronco loving kids, our Brittany and Jeremy. Who loves their Denver Bronco's?
Hoping when Peyton leaves Denver Brock will take the helm. He was the starter when Denver beat the Bengals, the Packers and the Pat's! Youth and talent. He and Cam are both going to be great quarterbacks!
So much blue for the Broncos win and now a little
Smokey looks like he has blue eyes here! Although this is an older photo, this big guy is the most unique dog you would ever want to meet. Thinks he is a person and will sit in a chair like one if you ask nicely.
If you tell Leo he is handsome, he will make this face. "I am, I really am handsome"! I hope you stop by and visit Sandee and everyone from Aw...Monday. We all need smiles in our lives.
People were shooting fireworks all over the neighborhood after that Bronco win. Sometime life is like that and Love is...always puts it into perspective for me.
Laughing Out Loud! I love most all of my relatives but I get Maxine. Someday's you only want to see Papa John at your door, or Domino's and maybe even Pizza Hut!

I promise it is the last of my Bronco blues for the night! This cutie is Ella, her momma Lyndsee is a Denver Bronco fan, daddy, Andrew, well, he likes Tom Brady and those Patriot's! No matter what outfit they put this girl in, she will laugh and giggle and make you smile. She even has teeny, tiny, Bronco shoes. That is Jeremy and Brittany's Bronco tree behind her. We all had a terrific time at their house having a Super Bowl party today. This was a tough week, J and Brit lost a friend from their office, Lorice. He was fine Monday, Wednesday they received word he passed away leaving his wife and four year old child. Life is short, say I love you to those you care for. Brittany's mom got word that her dad Robert fell and broke his pelvis. It is a much more complex surgery and injury than the doctors had anticipated. Please pray for his well being and pray for the family of Lorice. He was in his 30's and the kids think it was his heart. Have a good week and smile.