
Friday, March 29, 2019


My favorite photo of my late sister Pat. She would have celebrated a birthday  March 27th. Her leaving this world too soon in 2001 is still hard for me to fathom. She was a wonderful person. A good daughter, sister, wife and mother. She was also a grandmother and if she could see her grand babies today and a great grand baby she would be so happy. Her great grand girl Paisley Joe is the spitting images of her. She would have loved that. Her grand daughter Racheile is another looker. A real beauty. My sister would flip to see herself in such a remarkable young woman.
My sister was a real hero to me. She could sew like a dream and she was funny and had a beautiful laugh. I will always miss her while I am here.
Outside her home in Radcliff, Kentucky. She had a green thumb and her yard was always so beautiful.
The loss of a child is devastating. Now I am no expert, but I have seen grief on faces of parents who have lost a child, including my own mother who suffered the loss of my sister before her own passing, 9 months later. But losing an unborn child hurts too. My baby girl Rachel was taken back in 1987 and I still miss her because I wonder what she would look like. What she would be doing with her life.
Our little girl went back to her heavenly home on March 27, 1987. It is a pain and grief you can never understand unless you yourself have felt this grief. I remember the kind souls who came forward and shared their own stories of loss with me. It was about the only comfort I had than.

Love is...has always given me joy and comfort. I love the little cartoons and miss the talented original writer and artist. She was amazing.
I thought I would smile today and share this silly cat photo with Feline Friday I have heard you can train a cat to use the toilet. HaHa! My big boy is too busy being dramatic when he needs a fresh drink of water from the faucet. This google image was a smile maker.
We are expecting snow. Supposedly heavy and wet.  Crazy weather but in Colorado no lack of moisture. My mountain friends have photos to prove they have been hit with lots of the white stuff this year.

Stop by Pink Saturday and share your pink too.

Thursday, March 28, 2019

Where Does Time Go?

I found this vintage timepiece on pinterest. When my hubby was getting ready to marry me, I bought him a pocket watch. I had it engraved and I know he has it here. I will have to find it and post a photo.
This google image is Ithaca Calendar Clocks. I keep searching for a photo of one my folks had. I wish I would have, for once in my life, defied my father, and had my friend Steve Keller repair that old clock and bring it back to it's glory. I think about that clock all the time. It was magnificent. Someone had painted it a horrible shade of green but it was beautiful and so lovely with a pendulum swinging to and fro. It is something I still think about.
This is about as close as I could find to something similar to that old clock. I often wondered about it's history.  Funny how people cast aside treasures like this.
I am not a fan of government controlled health care. I loved my old healthcare where I chose where I wanted to go. I am not a fan of doctors and hospitals and procedures. It all seems so uncaring and the cost is out of sight, considering the shoddy service we receive.
If you pray, I could really use some prayer. Lots going on right now and I am in limbo over it all. Hopefully I will have answers soon.
I always try to be thankful, in all things, although all things are not always what I want.
I am going to continue to be me. I hope you will pray. Lots to pray for in this world today. Stop by and visit Thankful Thursday

Sunday, March 17, 2019

KINDNESS/ Aw....Mondays

This is a happy boy. He is holding a cone from one of the pup's. Loki and Thor went to the vet on Thursday and were neutered. Not happy about it and hating to wear their cones. The kids give them a break when we are there to watch them. They have to heal and than they can shed their cone collars.
This boy loves to laugh and have a good time.
This boy is so much like his daddy. It is fun watching him grow.
Silly boy loves this crazy hat!
This kid makes me laugh whenever he is around. He can bring a smile to your face quickly.
HaHaHa! My neighbors are pretty straight laced. We don't see the police hanging around our street very much. But this is so cute. Made me smile. Stop by Aw....Mondays and visit Sandee and the crew. There will be smiles, I guarantee it.
Some humor while thinking about Springtime hovering just around the corner.
Spring and Summer is on my mind.  Love is...the riches harvest of all.
Baseball season is here.  Yesterday the adopted daughter of Babe Ruth passed away. She was 102. Her name was Julia Ruth  Stevens. She called him "daddy" until she passed away. Her memories of the Babe, the Sultan of Swat, the Great Bambino were much different than those portrayed by the mainstream media. She said he was a good father and loved to cook huge family breakfasts. She also had good memories of him decorating the Christmas tree. I thought she was worth a mention because she was a remarkable woman who kept her father's memory alive until the end of her life. RIP Julia.
August 8, 1982. I watched this baseball game on television with my father. We were not Red Sox fans but that day my father and I saw with our own eyes what kind of man Jim Rice was.  He was a left fielder and a designated hitter for the Boston Red Sox team where he spent his entire 16 year career. On this day Jim sprinted out of the dugout and  on to the field to run this small boy into the dugout. The child had been hit by a foul ball. Jim heard that horrible sound of the ball hitting the child. He knew it would take several minutes for the EMT's to get into the park so he scooped up the boy and took him into the dugout where he received immediate medical attention. Jim Rice was a hero that day. The young boy  survived his injury due to the quick thinking of Jim Rice. When asked why he did what he did , he said he thought about his own child and just knew it was the right thing to do. Jim Rice was a true hero. He was good ballplayer. He played in an era when big money and bigger contracts weren't around.  He will always be a hero in my book. My how times have changed.
I sure love baseball and I feel like this too.
Enjoy your week. 


Saint Patrick was quite an interesting man and has a history behind him that is filled with his love of the poor and committing random acts of kindness.
I agree with these words.
Enjoy wearing some green and being Irish even if it for the day to celebrate this holiday. My hubby had grandparents who came from Ulster Providence in Ireland. He was in the U.S> Navy and she was a school teacher,
My hubby's grandparents from Ulster Providence in Ireland. He was Avery Robinson who came to the USA and joined the US Navy. Ivy Murphy- Robinson was a teacher.
My father-in-law was the small boy on the far right. His sister Hazel is behind him and brother Alan next to him. I am not sure who the boy next to my father-in-law's mother. It is hard to determine photo's sometime because not everyone wrote on the back of their photos back in the day. It is just a treasure to have them.

Oíche mhaith

Saturday, March 16, 2019


Isn't this the truth.
This is always a tough one for so many of us. People today do not like words like "Obedience". They would rather have it their way, do it their way. My mom had a saying, give it to God and pray and than pray harder. Visit Spiritual Sunday and say hello to Charlotte. I know I will .

Friday, March 15, 2019


Maybe you have participated in Pink Saturday previously. Maybe you still do. It is always fun to see who is sharing their anything goes pinks! So visit Pink Saturday.
Get in the pink! Do something random and nice.
I love Kathy Van Zeeland. Her handbags are delightful. I own this one.  She lines the inside of her handbags with fabric graced with tiny beehives. I love these pretty in pink purses. I found mine at the ARC Thrift store for $7.99. She handbags are pricey otherwise around $60-100.
I do love this hot pink Kathy Van Zeeland purse too but if you have any laying around instead of donating them to a thrift store, do this. Fill them with basic supplies for homeless women. Soap, toothbrush. toothpaste, wet wipes, feminine hygiene products. Stuff it with a few gift cards too. Denver gets mighty cold in the winter months so having a pocket full of gift cards for coffee and food and a place to sit and enjoy it away from the cold is a simple kindness. Next time you donate purses, remind yourself to do this instead.
My hubby has Saturday mail once a month. Last month we were entering his building which has a Starbucks on one side. We saw a homeless man putting cream and sugar in his coffee. Starbucks has had a bad image, calling the police on young black men waiting for a friend and needing the use the restroom.  The CEO spouting out inappropriate things about conservative Americans etc.  Apparently they have a new policy. If you have a gift card or cash and you are homeless, you are entitled to get out of the cold and enjoy a few minutes of warmth and hot coffee or tea.  Instead of celebrities spewing hate  about our president and again, the American conservatives,  Take a real stand. Donate to those less fortunate trying to get back up on their feet. Help others right in your own cities and stop the H A T E !  Hate is what is truly wrecking us as a nation. Hate is worse than anything .
God loves each one of us. But it is up to us to love each other and celebrate our creator.


I am not sure where this meme started but I just thought it was cute. You know, sometime canines and felines are on opposing teams, Other times they are best of buddies. I always try to ease the political tension that seems to follow us wherever we go. Visit Feline Friday and say hi to Brian and all the feline friends there.
Best you know the song, people let me tell you about my best friend!
People let me tell you 'bout my best friend
He's a warm hearted person who'll love me 'til the end
People let me tell you bout my best friend
He's a one boy cuddly toy, my up, my down, my pride and joy

People let me tell you 'bout him he's so much fun
Whether we're talkin' man to man or whether we're talking son to son
'Cause he's my best friend
Yes he's my best friend
This song was the theme song for the TV series "The Courtship of Eddie's Father" written by Harry Nilsson.
This is a great song for cats and dogs that are BFFS.
Beautiful words to comfort the weary soul.
These two cuties are going to welcome a new brother come September. It is a bittersweet time. New life with  babies and puppies. Smokey struggling with his illness. All we can do is pray.

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Thankful Thursday

Like John Fogerty sings in the Song, "Looking Out My Front Door...." Grateful we lost some internet and phone service on and off but no major power outage. Thankful for my phamily who made it home safely from their work destinations. Visit Thankful Thursday and give Brian a high five for hosting.
My poor lil car, covered in snow. See the tree behind it? Excel Energy is coming out Friday to trim that branch touching their 220 powerline. Than we have to chop that tree down. It was horrible when it was still young and we never got around to cutting it down. The hubby had this cool electric saw, a reciprocating saw. That little dynamo can cut through a tree log like butter!
That tree behind our garage is not in your view but it exactly like the one you see by our garage. Excel is going to trim it too on the backside since it is toughing their 720 powerline. Chop, chop, these trees are dirty and messy and even birds shy away from them because they are disgusting. Thankful to work on cutting them down slowly but surely. Trees belong in a forest unless your Bill Gates or Warren Buffet. It costs a lot of cash to remove them. The only tree we had in the yard, a crabapple tree was beautiful when it bloomed in the Springtime. It was in the front yard and due to the city telling us we were responsible for the main line problem, $20,000 later and one tree removal, the bozo who removed it, worked for the plumbing service who did the main line work but left a huge stump in the front yard.
I have always loved this poem about trees by Joyce Kilmer. But two years ago this allergy magnet cottonwood in our front yard had to go too. The cost is ridiculous for fifty plus year old trees. Three neighbors had to remove the cottonwoods due to disease.  When I had allergy testing several years ago, you guessed it, I was allergic to trees! That is why we can not have a real CHRISTmas tree. But grateful to have a nice artificial one.
HaHaHa! Maxine never ceases to make me laugh out loud. Some cities aloud nudity while gardening. since I was attacked by a swarm of nasty devil worshipping wasps last summer, nudity would not be my gardening choice. HaHaHa.
Lulu is tuckered out. She is a one time momma. It was a tough thing for her and she came through like a tough little cookie. She delivered her daughter lying next to her at 4:46 in the afternoon on Tuesday . She napped and cared for the little girl until 10:16 when Rebekah announced she delivered her son like a princess. They are getting along beautifully although the babies occasionally slip away and one of us in there to tuck them back into their momma's care.

Allora at LuLaRoe Allora and Nancy has a new Dress Up Challenge. Unfortunately I still can not post to FaceBook so here I am in my cool and buttery soft  leggings with a solid black Lynnae and a soft and comfy golden Sarah. FB is a real butt. all these so called genius types and they have the worst technical challenges daily. My hubby works for a Fortune 500 law firm. This would not happen where he works. They have a back up plan to keep the office running like a fine tuned machine.
Lulu and her girl. What a sweet momma she is. She jumped right into her new role. God made these precious babies so smart and sassy and sweet.

Taco Tuesday! A little humor to brighten your day.

HaHaHa! How about a nacho cheese fountain? Is this on your bucket list?
I love this! It is Truth for me.
Love my Jesus. Love being under His care.
Thankful for Thursday. Make an act of kindness today.