Because of Jessia Marie Baker , please be kind. This beautiful woman graced this earth for a short 46 years. She was a daughter, mother, grandmother, friend. She cared for each person she met. She had a personality so big you would burst with joy when you met her. Yet, privately, her life was touched with much sadness. Yet she made everything worthwhile. I am going to do a reminder of her attitude of positive love, kindness and caring. This Wednesday, June 16th, her phamily and friends will gather at noon, at a local park to blow bubbles. Jessica loved bubbles. I have blown bubbles all my life. When I had to go to the USPS the years I did my own businesses like Princess House, Avon, MaryKay, House of Lloyd, Premier Design Jewelry, I often sat in my car waiting for the lines to subside and I would blow bubbles out of my car window. I received more smiles than anything else.

I was saving Brody in the bubbles for a Wordless Wednesday...but I started to think of Jessica and what a kick she would get out of this child. So this is for Jessica, kindness, happiness, love and joy rolled up in a busy boy with a contagious laugh! Life is fleeting, enjoy the bubbles!
Although this is just a meme, Rebekah Michelle was the 3 A.M. baby who waited from 10 A.M. to 3 A.M. the next morning to be born. Today she celebrates 33 years of life.
Loves loves driving in the car. Even as a baby, although too young to get behind that wheel, she loved the jingle of car keys. She has traveled by her herself to lots of places, the farthest being Ireland in 2016.
She is a cutie. Today her husband came upstair clean shaved! We were all shocked, but as a birthday gift to h er, he shaved his beard. He has beautiful natural curly hair and he wears it longer. So he shaved off that beard. She was tickled!
Tonight she will enjoy a Tres Leche Cake with carmel for her birthday. She always has a fun cake. Happy Birthday to Rebekah my "Tillie Girl".
This car, a 1953 Corvette was introduced the year I was born. Today Jeremy took his phamily, minus Blake (he stayed with us) to a car show. He sent me this photo:
Oh that is a beautiful car! Sigh.............
I will share more car photos throught this week. I am trying so hard to get back into blogging. It has been so difficult with Sharon and Jessica on my mind.
Say hello to Aw...Mondays
Love is...reading my mind on this hot and late SONday evening.