
Wednesday, June 26, 2013

"F" is for Feline

After losing my favorite, friendly feline Boots, I did not think I would love again. But his untimely passing fifteen months ago made me wish I could have a sweet kitten. My friend and co worker Jessica has a cousin who had a beautiful cat ,who gave birth to precious kittens, two of them! They are gorgeous and she thinks, as far as she can tell, they are girls! So I am going to begin my journey in owning a new kitten! A frisky, bundle of pure feline joy! I am going to cherish this kitten like a first time parent! It will be fun gathering new things to share with this fun little bundle of new kitten love!

Will I forget about Rose? Absolutely not! Will I ignore Smokey, Stella, Bandit and Roxanne! Forget it! Never! Those silly pups and the matriarch feline will always hold a special place in my heart! Here is the new kitten, who, by the way, is a boy! Laughing Out Loud! We were tossing out names and we liked "Peaches" and "Tigerlily"! Well, the vet flipped this boy over and said. he is a male! HaHaHa! Since we decided on Tigerlily we shorted it to "Tiger" so he would be a male kitty with a matching name!

Felines are fiercely independent creatures. They feign dramatic behavior in order to show you who is the boss!

Funny how pets can steal our hearts. They move in without much of a thought and begin a lifetime journey of keeping us from being faint of heart. The will not fail in their quest to maintain us as their captive! Their new hideout! A cool hammock with dual scratching posts! Rose is still unsure if she likes it!

They become our faithful friends.   They will never flee from our presence because once they hook you, you fall for them hook, line and sinker so they become fresh faces in our lives and take the words funny, frisky and  fast to new levels! Rose is finicky about people! She wanted to read a magazine!

The one difference I enjoy about felines  is the fact that they are so independent. Dogs are quite faithful and demand much attention. Cats prefer faking their fabulous fraudulent lifestyle, pretending not to have a care in the world but secretly hoping you will treasure  them until the end of time. Spoiled rotten felines! Rose acts as if this tunnel is no fun at all although we have caught her taking a peek inside! Little Tiger runs like mad through it and makes it sound like a crinkle noise! Drives poor Rose batty!

They will never be false friends with you and although a feline can be quite flippant, they adore you and forever love you. They may demand the finer things in life from you but your freedom will be theirs. Their fancy attitude melts your heart and you will not see any flaws and faults in their behavior. Felines are often fussy. They dine on specific foods and you will never worry about having your own ego fed! Jeremy nearly bought this fancy purple kitty hideaway! Good thing, Tiger would probably prefer blue or red! He is not much of an Elton John fan like Roxanne, who loves to dance to the song "Tiny Dancer"!

Perhaps I used too many "F" words here! Hopefully I made you smile and you learned a little bit about funny, fabulous felines! Master Tiger is not a fan of the kennel. Jessica said he cried all the way from Fort Lupton, about thirty minutes from here! When I took him to the vet he bite the bars and climbing like a maniac kitten yelping as if we were chopping his head off! He and Roxanne are very dramatic pals!

Now visit Ms. Jenny and find more fun and fulfillment with all the wonderful F's showcased there! I don't always get to visit and comment but your visits here mean the world to me. Extra prayer for my sister Mary as she is waiting to heal so she can have her surgery. It has been a long, hard road for her. I have had my mind on her and have not written here much or visited a lot. I love all of you very much! Thanks for sticking by me, friends!


Denise said...

Praying for you and your sister my friend.

aspiritofsimplicity said...

how wonderful! A new friend to love.

Leovi said...

Nice pictures, a beautiful kitty!

Eden House News and views said...

Feline fa,ily members are wonderful.

carol l mckenna said...

How exciting ~ a new kitten ! Fun! ~ Wonderful post for 'F' and adorable photos ~ Pets are so loveable and great company ~ Happy Day ^_^

Thanks for visiting.

SarahBeth said...

Kittens are such fun -- I'm watching five of them in my backyard! Tiger is a cutie!
Hope all goes well with your sister.

Debra at HOMESPUN: said...

a Fantastic F post! :)

My name is Riet said...

What a darling little kitty, so cute, Hope your sister will be alright soon.

Maria's Space said...

Awww...I haven't been around a cat in so long. I shared an Fearless here if you care to check it out.

lissa said...

cats makes wonderful friends. all your kitties are so cute.

hope you have a great day.

fredamans said...

I love orange kitties, and he is a cutie!!

The Quintessential Magpie said...

I love your new baby! He's so precious.

And I prayed for your sister. I appreciate so much your kind words and the story you shared with me. Thank you, my friend, and I am praying blessings for you and your family.



Ingrid said...

What a sweet little tiger ! Really earns his name. I had cats til I was 23 and they lived for 20 years (not at the same time), of course they stay forever in my heart.

Unknown said...

That is so sweet new baby. Olivia loves cats,too. Thanks for visiting and lovely comments. I always love hearing from you and your family story.


storybeader said...

that kitty is so cute, one would think it's a girl! It looks like Tiger's home is well equipped with playthings. Lucky guy! {:-Deb

EG CameraGirl said...

Good for you for letting another feline into your life!

Along These Lines ... said...

Make that fussy felines: ie ours

Theresa said...

SO much FURRY FLUFFY FUN:) Have a blessed weekend, HUGS!

Laura of Harvest Lane Cottage said...

Your little yellow kitty looks so much like our Zoey. She left home a couple of years ago shortly after weening her kittens. We miss her. She was so docile, my little girl would dress her up in little doll dresses!

Blessings from Harvest Lane Cottage,


Valerie said...

This is the most enjoyable post I have read for ages. I am a cat and dog lover but sadly we now have no animals in the house, I admit to everyone that a house isn't a proper home without our furry friends.

Betty said...

Lots of great F words. I'm glad you have a new feline. Remind me to tell you sometime how many felines I have. Yes, I'm the crazy neighborhood cat lady.

Pam Beers. said...

Furry felines are my favorite. They certainly make wonderful companions.

Jenny said...

Fantastic use of the letter "F"...

Those fluffy little felines certainly do have a knack for capturing our hearts and becoming our friends for life!

Fabulous post...

Thanks for linking.
