
Friday, June 13, 2014

"D" is for Dancing

Ah dancing! I love it! Always have, always will! When I was much younger I use to dance c/w. A good friend of mine, who was a fireman, was an excellent country western dancer and we often went out to dance together. Lots of wonderful memories. Now our middle daughter, Rebekah loves to dance and she goes out a few times a week, strictly to dance. She also goes to a country western dance club. I am going to get some photos of her dancing and share them soon.
This is my dancing girl with her younger brother Nick. She has a birthday today. She is 26 years old. This girl graduated in 2013 from Metro State University. She has a degree in Literature and also holds a teaching certificate. Recently she has been working at an insurance company where two of her other siblings work. We are hopeful she will get on full time. Teaching jobs are very scarce and she has so much potential and so much to offer! She has worked temporarily and has done a terrific job.  She is one of those people that has a bucket list. Her list has some really terrific things listed that she hopes to do. Traveling to Ireland is one of them. She has a kind heart and when she sets her mind to something she follows through.
She is a tiny girl and her baby sister Hannah is taller than she is! We were hoping to watch her dance tonight at a country western club that she goes to. Tomorrow we will celebrate with a barbeque and lots of phamily and friends. I will share her cake tomorrow.

A country western dance couple.

 Boots needed to do some fancy footwork!
Lots of country dance moves, Two Stepping, the Country Waltz and Country Swing!

Do you know George Strait? He is such a dreamboat! Sigh! But his song "Easy Come, Easy Go" is one of those c/w songs that you can do a Country Cha Cha to. It is a slower song but very beautiful although it is a sad song about a break up. Some other great dancing songs are "Orange Blossom Special" and  "Ghosts Riders in the Sky" .
Country dancing lots of good memories for me. My grandmother's neighbor Matt was widowed when his wife passed away in childbirth many, many years ago. When Matt got up there in years my sister Mary would clean his house. He would share with her that he went country western dancing a few times a week. He was a great dancer and I always have fond memories of Matt dipping and swinging his partner about!
The Grizzly Rose is one of those dance clubs in Denver. Every Sunday afternoon they have phamily night and you can get some country western dance lessons there. Our former babysitter Heather met her husband there. They are happily married with five little boys last time I counted!
Here is the dance floor at the Electric Cowboy in Westminster, Colorado.

Now dance over to Ms. Jenny's and share your favorite "D" today.


Mevely317 said...

Happy Birthday, Rebekah!

This post makes me smile - thinking how much I envied Debra Winger's dancing in Urban Cowboy.
(We just watched a clip from UC Monday night - hubby didn't know who Johnny Lee is!)

C/W dancing is something I always wanted to learn. I guess I never had the nerve to get out there in front of others and not trip over my own two left feet!

Hope your celebration tomorrow is great fun!

Ingrid said...

I always have loved to dance ! Fortunately Mr. G. was an excellent partner and we almost made a show when we danced Rockn'Roll together ! Now he became very lazy I even had to push him to dance with me (a slow) on our son's wedding, lol !

Leovi said...

I love to dance, but I do really bad!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to your daughter! What a wonderful post about her!

Betty said...

I wish I could dance, but I can't even clap to the beat of a song. I enjoy watching others dance though.

Happy Birthday to your daughter.

I couldn't get your link to work on Jenny's blog, but I figured out it was you.

Denise said...

Happy Birthday to your beautiful daughter. I love George Strait, enjoy country music. I love to dance, woo hoo. We have an Electric Cowboy right down the street from where we live.

carol l mckenna said...

Great post for D ~ and beautiful family ~ wish I could be there to see them dance ~ Happy Weekend ~ xoxo

artmusedog and carol (A Creative Harbor)

storybeader said...

looks like country western dancing is fun. Didn't grow up with it but it's popular where I live now. {:-D

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Lovely post! Happy birthday to your gorgeous girl. We are all dancing with you. xoxo

Deanies Stash said...

Great post about Denver! Happy Week!