
Sunday, June 8, 2014

Love is.../Blue Monday

Love is...
the sun shining brightly even on a rainy day!

We have had rain today! It rained, it poured, it was cold and messy and miserable. So after a delightful lunch at a favorite Mexican restaurant where my honey and I shared a fried ice cream for dessert we headed home and relaxed. Visit Marydon  at Face Book where she often posts her favorite Love is...for us to share. This little Love is...couple also have their blue jeans on here. They fit into Blue Monday perfectly.
The grandson's 18th birthday yesterday! My honey and I wearing our favorite Cowley Track and Field t shirts and our blue jeans.  Colton wearing a blue shirt. The day was cooler,in the 60s but the barbeque my daughter and her husband had was great, as always, and we visited late into the evening with phamily and friends.
My son-in-law and grandson wearing blue. But all three of them have blue eyes!
Siblings, Christal and Colton wearing blue. Andrew smiling and showing off us his new tatoo!
Nick, wearing his favorite Kobe shirt, with Kobe in blue and Colton. Uncle and nephew and buddies.

Colton and Jessica, they are a cute couple. His birthday turned out wonderfully. My son-in-law dug a small hole in the backyard and built an open fire. We ate S'mores from it and the evening was lots of fun. My daughter Noelle is always a terrific hostess. The only sad note from the party yesterday was that we watched the Belmont only to see California Chrome get boxed in and lose. I still love that horse. He has the Kentucky Derby and the Preakness wins. I do agree with his owner that only horses who competed in the other two races should qualify to run in the third race. All in all Chrome is a beautiful horse and I wish him well with his foot injury.
Yesterday I shared a google image of a Dexter cake and promised to show everyone Colton's true cake. The bakery did a nice job and even the hypodermic needle was authentic although covered in frosting! I was not an avid fan of the show as my kids were but I have to admit Dexter only finished off incredibly bad people! I miss the whole phamily being at the house on Sunday evening watching this series. We use to cook a big meal and then they would watch their series while my honey and I watched comedy together! Next week I will have to share Rebekah's cake. We are hoping for good weather

Visit Sally and the Blue Crew. Enjoy your week.


SmilingSally said...

Hi Anne,

I wanted California Chrome to win too. (ah well)

You have a handsome grandson; I hope he had a happy day. Isn’t it fun finding blues?

Happy Blue Monday!

Anni said...

Lots of blue and smiling faces there!

Anni said...

(Well, not blue faces ...)

Ingrid said...

For once we have nice weather and I can't complain. Nice family pictures !

Hannah said...

Happy birthday celebration to Colton, that is so funny, a Dexter cake. Young people are always fascinated by shocking things.

Little Wandering Wren said...

So much in common this week, from a wet rainy weather, to the disappointment over a racehorse and we are looking into 18th birthday cakes in our house!
You have done very well with all your blues this week!
Wren x

Lina Gustina said...

Happy birthday to Colton.
That's an awesome but scary birthday cake :)
Have a great week!

Denise said...

Enjoyed the pictures.

LV said...

I think it is so nice all your family seems to have such a good relationship and enjoy being with each other. Wish it were that way with more families.

betty-NZ said...

Great shots with blue!

Leovi said...

They agree, Colton and Jessica are a cute couple!

Edna B said...

What great photos of you and your family. I think it is awesome that your family can enjoy this closeness.

I agree that the children do grow so fast. Before we know it, they are parents and we are wondering where all the time went.

I too was sad that California Chrome did not win this last race. But he is still a magnificent horse, and I wish him luck in the future.

I hope the weather cooperates an is good for all your upcoming birthday celebrations. You have a wonderful evening. Hugs, Edna B.

Edna B said...

What great photos of you and your family. I think it is awesome that your family can enjoy this closeness.

I agree that the children do grow so fast. Before we know it, they are parents and we are wondering where all the time went.

I too was sad that California Chrome did not win this last race. But he is still a magnificent horse, and I wish him luck in the future.

I hope the weather cooperates an is good for all your upcoming birthday celebrations. You have a wonderful evening. Hugs, Edna B.

Jenny said...

Happy Birthday to Colton!

His cake looks scrumptious!

I love all your family festivities!

Minoru Saito said...

Happy birthday to Colton. There are many smiling faces in your photos. Thanks for sharing.

Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas said...

Lovely Blues and lovely family!!!

Thanks for visiting!! I just posted Part 2 of Country Folks if you are interested.....
