I keep looking at this photo of my friend Vivian. I wonder why God took her home? As a child, my grandmother often said, when people passed away too young, it was because He always needed the "good ones". Well Lord, you have the very best in sweet Vivian. The girl was sassy, silly, sweet. I use to tell her, "Hey Vivian, want a little coffee to go with your cup of sugar?" She sipped that coffee filled with a lot of sugar! She got sick in her 40's and kicked ovarian cancers butt! Then she dropped kicked breast cancer out of her life!

Vivian loved the Lord. She also loved the current pope, Someone I'm not fond of at all. But we spent hours on the phone telling each other what we thought of lots of different things and why! In my lifetime I doubt I will ever have a friend like Vivian again. She was kind, always caring for a new feline friend and she could be trusted with classified information. I know, I told her a lot of that stuff, about my own life. But she had amazing parents, Joe and Jessie. They were Mr. & Mrs. Maestas to me when we were young.
Vivian loved her feline friends. She always had a kitten and she loved them and doted on them. She never married or had children so she loved those cats.
When we were young, Vivian had the most beautiful jet black hair, it was long and luxurious and she could have been a hair shampoo model! She could rock that big beautiful hair! She also took forever getting ready and many nights, I sat and visited with her folks while she finished "getting more beautiful". The funny thing about it was, I learned so much from her parents, they were simply wonderful and hard working people. They were people you loved, when when we were young and reckless and silly. We were young and very silly long ago and sometimes reckless, egging a car that belonged to an old flame, crazy stuff like that, we should not have been doing.Vivian was very beautiful but she never was prissy about it. She was just solid and kind and honest. You don't find many people like her in your lifetime. She was a rare gem.

Vivian worked for many years in the laundry with her precious mom, at the Pueblo Holiday Inn. She retired, got sick and then went back to work as a teachers aide for the local HeadStart program in our hometown. My hometown Pueblo. Vivian was a "watermelon" girl, born in Rocky Ford, Colorado. It is the watermelon capital of the world producing the biggest and sweetest melons anywhere. HeadStart kids called her "GrandmaVivian" and she ate that stuff up with a spoon! She loved the little ones.
I have known my beautiful friend since we were young women. She proved to me she was the very best of the best and Vivian, girl I am going to miss you.
Rest in Peace my friend. I am going to miss our four hour long phone calls.
Vivian Maestas March 7, 1955 to January 8, 2018