Saint Patirck driving the snakes out of Ireland. I like humor so I wanted to start with it today.
Feline Friday
Grumpy Cat should have lived with Maxine in the comics! He is saying Kiss Me, I'm Irish, N O T ! Oh Grumpy Cat, you were so grumpy!

March 16, 2022 was the 58th anniversary of my grandfather's passing. I was going to turn 15 in December that year and I was going into high school that September. It was a sad day for me. A sad year really. I was very close to him. My grandmother has been in poor health most of her life and she was not as affection as he was. This was an anniversary photo. They looked very happy and he was a modern husband. He worked, he cooked, he cleaned. He was the breadwinner and the housekeeper. He cared for my grandmother until her passing in 1965.While honoring him and thinking about him this entire month of March, I cringe when I hear others talk about how difficult times are for others today. When you come from good stock, and I know I did, you know the sacrifices they endured. The sad passing of this incredible man has never been forgotten by me. He shared many wonderful stories with me, never about the old country where he grew up. Just life lessons and like my own father, he was an incredible force in my life and always will be.

Recently one of my mother's cousin's passed away. Her name was Martha and she is survived by 2 brothers, both older than her. Their 10 other siblings are all gone. Their father was my maternal grandmother's cousin and there are many stories to share about that incredible phamily too. Large phamilies, they always stayed together, celebrated togather, laughes and cried together. Something very sadly lacking in our world today. No cell phones to interupt your storytellers, no harboring ill feelings. Just love, kindness and faithfulness.
My late father-in-law Carl Thomas is the sailor directly behind the guy walking on the right side. Oh how I miss his stories. He was a vivid storyteller. He also did an Irish jig and he loved to tease his wife's phamily that were from the LDS church. He was smart and funny and no matter how many stories he told me, I treasured them, always and forever.
My late mother-in-law Rita wearing his Navy blues! They were so cute together and oh the stories her friend told of their courtship. Look at those bell bottom trousers. My all time favorites!
Like my own fahter, my FIL Carl had beautiful green green grass at their home. You can see the corner of his mint colored Dodge truck in the background. He was born in Arkansas but his people came from Ireland. We have their history all the way back to the 18th century and the original "R" man Nicholas. I believe Nicholas had 7 sons and three daughters and that is how this Irish phamily came to be.
A phamily photo. Myhusband wearing his favorite green shirt back then. He had a head fullof hair too. My brother-in-law John is behind me and Grandpa Carl along side with Noelle and her Cabbage Patch Doll.
Also a US Navy man my husband's grandfather who passed away at the young age of 34. He was Avery Allen. A handsome man and my FIL never felt sorry for himself losing both parents when he was a small boy of 3 years old. His big sister was five (Hazel) and younger brother Allen (1). Grandpa Avery and his lovely wife Ivy who was a school teacher, came across the ocean sailing from the Northern most part of Ireland.