If I don't laugh, I will just start bawling again! Today I learned from sweet
Parsley that Freddy a precious pooch belonging to
Nikki passed away. Perhaps he did not belong to her, rather she was owned by Freddy. Made my heart break. Loss is hard. No matter who you lose whether human or fur baby, the loss is all the same.
A precious poem found on google image.

October 27, 2013, our tiny dancer chilling with her blanket in her bed. All these weeks since she left this earth no one but Bandit had the courage to climb into her bed. Last night Stella parked her rather large buns in there too! She hung over all the sides! It was comical and she looked up at me as if to say "You needed to laugh didn't you?" I catch myself thinking "I need to cook Roxanne's chicken." She had the best chicken breast hand poached three times a week by me. My father would chuckle, he would look so lovingly at my mother and say "Ma, what do you think God thinks of it all?" I don't know every single though the Lord is thinking but my whole entire life I have asked for signs. He provides them. The night we lost Roxanne we all paraded to Hannah's bedroom to remind the lil sweetheart how much we loved her and that we knew she was not able to hang on much longer. As we filed in the room and said her name, she lifted her tiny head and ears to look up at each one of us. After her passing, my hubby said, did you notice that her little body was so empty? I think God does take them home. I don't handle death really well. Twenty eight years after the loss of my own father I am still sad. The holidays remind me how much he loved his phamily and how he enjoyed spending time with all the phamily. Twelve years after losing my mother I miss her Thanksgiving stuffing. I attempted to duplicate her cheesecake and although I have no recipe to work with I found something very similar and smiled when I ate that first bite. She would say, "Good cheesecake just don't forget to pray. Remember to be kind and if you can't, than pray harder."

February 3, 2012. Trek, he belongs to Noelle and her phamily. He loves the snow. He is a quirky fellow. If he likes you he will pee on you! He is such an excitable fellow. He suffers from seizure disorder. Broke my heart on September 11th when he suffered a major seizure. I had to leave the room, I was weeping for him! He is young, born on Valentine's Day, four years ago. But the seizures are heartbreaking. I wish there was a cure for them, not only for Trek but everyone who suffers from them.
Mr. Bandito, one of the nicknames Jeremy gave this BFF of his. Here he is chilling in the comfy bed poor Sophie his pal outgrew! He is an odd little guy. Circles around three times before he runs outside and again before he does his business. He is not as young as he once was. But he loves Jeremy and my son wants him to live forever.
I like life when it is simple. We all need sleep and food!
November 2, 2009. Ah Tinkerbell., we lost her May 2010. Damn cancer, It is the kindest way I can describe it. This girl spent fourteens years with us. She was a runaway. Had a few scrapes with the law, had to have a chip implant! Laugh Out Loud! You hate it when the cops call you! But she lived a gypsy life until we corralled her. She and Rebekah were inseparable. She is probably showing Roxanne around the other side of life after we lose it.
Oh Reggie, my friend, Boots, my pal. Mr. Kitty my BFF! The day you left me to go to the Rainbow Bridge I lost a part of my heart. A piece like the one missing from a puzzle. My Boots boy was a very dignified cat. He was a first class act. I miss him dearly but know he is watching me from heaven. I bet he is showing Roxanne and Tinkerbell how cats and dogs all get along in their new home. He was funny like that when he was here. he made the valiant effort to get along with all the other pets. He is so dearly missed.
"Animals are reliable, many full of love, true in their affections, predictable in their actions, grateful and loyal. Difficult standards for people to live up to." Alfred A. Montapert