Walkin' in the sunshine, sing a little sunshine song
Put a smile upon your face as if there's nothing wrong
Think about a good time had a long time ago
Think about forgetting about your worries and your woes
Walkin' in the sunshine, sing a little sunshine song
La la la la la de ho
Whether the weather be rain or snow
Pretending can make it real
A snowy pasture, a green and grassy field
Walkin' in the sunshine, sing a little sunshine song
Put a smile upon your face as if there's nothing wrong
Think about a good time had a long time ago
Think about forgetting about your worries and your woes
Walkin' in the sunshine, sing a little sunshine song
La la la la la de ho
Whether the weather be rain or snow
Pretending can make it real
A snowy pasture, a green and…

Roger Miller was born January 2, 1936 in Oklahoma. He passed away way too soon from lung and throat cancer October 25, 1992. He was a remarkable talent. I won't share anymore lyrics today but he wrote and recorded a song called "Chug-A-Lug". It reminded me of my Catholic school days. Two boys who attended my school, one in my class an one boy a grade ahead of us had parents who owned bars. The swiped whiskey and brought it to school. Several of the boys from the orphanage went out at lunch with them, down by the railroad tracks, where the lot of them proceeded to get drunk! It was awful! I remember how cruel that nun was when she saw their condition. I suppose back then no one really understood the full effects of alcohol. But the memory of them staggering about trying to act "Catholic" was funny until the sister of Satan caught them and proceeded to swing her yard stick like she was breaking a pinata. It is funny the memories I have, but as for the kids, we were all good kids and no one would rat on each other. We all stuck together, kinda like super glue.

Mister Kitty wants God on his side too. He was looking over my Our Daily Bread . This kitty is very naughty most days, he does need prayer. Then visit
Feline Friday
Remember to join Friendly FIll-Ins.
Ellen and
Lorianne host this fun fill-in. Ellen came up with the first two questions and Lorianne the second two.
1) Lately, I have done a lot of ________________.
2) My __________are___________.
3) I can't help but _______________.
4) When I Meet a stranger, I _______________.
Here are my answers:
1) Lately, I have done a lot of dreaming for better days to come soon.
2) My thoughts and prayers are filled with kindness for others. I pray this will spread rather then viruses and hatefulness.
3) I can't help but pray for all affected by the domino effect of this virus. We never realize how important others to our daily lives until we see they are not there.
4) When I meet a stranger, I can not help but smile at them.
Please visit these two charming ladies today and join the fun.
Stop over at
Pink Saturday and share a favorite even if it isn't pink! These pink macrons look lovely!There is a cheese importer that carries these and they are so good.
Fill your cup and enjoy.
These are some favorite words. Please pray and think of others suffering during these difficult times. I wish everyone would put hatefulness aside and spread kindness.