
Tuesday, August 20, 2024



I wanted to give a big thank you to Ann for created the image on my sidebar. It means more to me than anyone can imagine. I am not good at technology. I have put a few images on my blogs but it is not my expertise. That darn cat will be missed. He was more like a Shadow and followed me everywhere. My son-in-law Zach noticed he liked to escape to the top of their China hutch downstairs.  It is really super tall and My boy would make the jump from the dining table to the small curio and up to that space where he could terrorize the pups but they could not reach him. He was very ornery.  One day Zach set a comfy bed up there for him and I think he wanted to stay there on Sunday but he realized he needed our help so he came down.

I will never forget him. When I lost Boots in 2012 I said I would never get another kitty. But a co worker needed to help her cousin find homes for some kittens. I took the poor boy in. I often thought what kind of life he would have had scrounging around with no one to care for him. so I was grateful and happy he was with me.

He was very ornery and I thought there is no way my Boots could be living in him with one of his 9 lives! Boots was gallant, a very fine gentleman. He was not daring but was a true friend. Someone you rarely find in a lifetime. This guy was like a tornado getting ready to terrorize any pet who got in his way. Except for Rose. Oh that girl could hold her own. Although she was Nick's cat, I always said if she was a person she would be left handed just like me. She never put up with the antics of Mister Kitty. She often beat him at his own game. But as Rose did for  Boots on his last day of life Mister Kitty would do for Rose on her last day of living. He did have a kind heart but he hid it well.

When Hannah's little Roxanne was at the end of her life, the other pets walked on the other side of her. Not Mister Kitty. My Tiger boy was there holding on his friend until her passing. He was broken after her passing. He howled for two straight weeks. I thought for certain we would be in trouble with the law.

Rest easy my sweet friend. I would not allow you to die a painful death. I am grateful I was able to hold you in my arms and in your own gentlemanly way, you folded those front paws as if you were praying for me. But enough sadness right now, I think we will like to remember you and your gorgeous green/amber eyes and in this silly pose as a small kitten:

Go visit Roxanne and Stella, Smokey, Bandit, Rose,  Spats, Tinkerbell, Boots, Rascal, Buttons, Shadow, Leo,  Casey, Layla and Trek. All those annoying pups and the feline friends , you loved them all in this life.

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Friday, August 9, 2024

If This Were An Olympic Sport..... Music Quiz Feline Friday My BoJon Heritage

 So while visiting Chocolate Covered Daydreams , Simone had put up a post about "If This Were An Olympic Sport..." what would be your gold medal?

So here I am thinking hard on this question! Avery would be the gold winner in knowing the bible . When he studied New Testament Greek for two years in college I would say to him, "It is still Greek to me!" He was very good at translating and also he knows the bible well. Nick would have a gold medal in "gaming". He has the newest version of MLB and I am telling you it looks like a real ballpark! My grandsons Brody & Blake would be gold winners here too! Rebekah would be the gold medalist in organizing, planning and cooking for friends going through difficult losses etc. Zach, he is the Creme Brulee and the Cookie gold medalist. I am the best at laundry. It has always been my time with the Lord and I do not mind sorting, washing, drying, hanging up everything and putting it all away. A house filled with gold medal winners! HOORAY!

Respice, Prospice, Myra had a music quiz at social media. I did one there, then posted one at my other blog My Tata's Cottage. So maybe I could get a gold medal for this music quiz, my third one without any duplicate songs here!

Answer each question with a SONG. No duplicates, no copying and no peeking at the internet, although it can be quite tempting. Please join the fun and share your answers for your own gold medal.

1. Place: Take It Easy (Winslow, Arizona)

2. Animal:  Larry the Lobster

3. Number: Mambo No. 5

4. Colour: Yellow Submarine

5. Girl's Name: My Sharona

6. Boy's Name: Tall Paul 

7. Day of the Week: Except For Monday

8. Weather: Singing In The Rain

Please join in the fun.

Three Kittens in A Blanket

I though this Pinterest find was sweet.

Stop by and say hi to Feline Friday and thank Mimi for hosting.

My favorite photo of my son Jeremy and myself at his wedding in 2016. Our girl Noelle captured this photo better then a pro could! Both she and our late son-in-law Roger could capture the best of the best photos. He is the birthday boy today.  He was celebrating with Brittany today. Tomorrow they have plans with a friend Sean and Noelle so we will watch the B&B brothers! They went back to school today. Brody to the first grade and Blake to kindergarten. Time flies away. HAPPY BIRTHDAY SON!

School dayz for these two brothers. My sports informants! You haven't lived til you have to pretend to be Aaron Gordon who is 28 years young and 6'8" tall.  This guy is handsome and talented. All 5'4" of me has to try to block Brody who is Jokic. That's a tough game to play hahaha...

"Your off to great places. Today is your first day! Your mountain is waiting so get on your way! Dr. Seuss since 1944 Smokey has been reminding us to prevent forest fires. We had three burning here. Finally they were contained but the aftermath and rain is no fun at all. A gal I knew in my Princess House days, Denise worked with Smokey at the National Parks in the Denver area. She would bring my kids color books and other Smokey memorabilia. Rebekah bought me a Smokey the Bear reusable bag at Estes Park earlier this year.

Betty Boop has been around since 1930. I have lots of Betty earrings, t shirts, salt and pepper shakers too. She is a cutie.

Monday, August 5, 2024

Aw.... Mondays Blue Memories I Think I Love Pink love is.... Sparks


 A really long time ago I worked with Shirley. She was a young  girl just like me and we worked in the political field at the County Treasurer's Office in our hometown of Pueblo, Colorado. She married Scott and later on I married Avery and we moved away. We still keep in touch and she shares some silly and fun and serious things with me. This was just too cute not to share. We have both been married a long time and we appreciate the men we married.  You would have to be from Pueblo to understand this, but when we were kids there was a monkey at the local zoo and this one reminds me of him! He smoked cigarettes and adults would give him a "smoke" and light it up for him. Times are very different today. But I still love those monkeys and  when we visited the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo a few years ago there was a little monkey who only had one leg! She was a spirited little thing and she came to the window and befriended Rebekah our middle girl. Eve the monkey set her hand on the window and Rebekah set her hand on the other side of that window. That little monkey looked at Rebekah for the longest time. 

You can read the story of her amputated leg here EVE or at Pinterest on my Page FAVORITE FINDS.

A funny little meme turned in to telling Eve's story. I hope you like primates! I love them!

I love cool cars and these two happen to be blue! The 1962 Oldsmobile Starfire is my favorite because my dad was an Oldsmobile man. But the Ford Thunderbird is equally  beautiful and a classic car too. 

 I think I love Pink hats on tiny kittens! This brought an aw.......Mondays to me too. is....... a smilemaker!

Isn't this true? I have a wicker rocking chair on the patio. Although I love it to relax, sip a cold drink on a hot Summer's day or sip early morning coffee or tea when there is a chill in the air, rocking won't get you anywhere and either does worry. A Sparks share for today.

Finally, on this Monday morning, do you eat breakfast? If you do what is your favorite breakfast? I know it is a random question but inquiring minds need to know!

Have a blessed week and I hope something good happens to you today!

Sunday, August 4, 2024

Times Are Going To Be Difficult

Spiritual Warfare Has Arrived 

Put on the Full Armor of God so you can take your stand against the devil's schemes.
Ephesians 6:11

Thursday, August 1, 2024




Anne Marie about 1957
I am thankful that I am that little girl who grew up in the best household with the best parents.

Raised by this father of mine, He was a steel worker and the best baseball catcher I ever heard the stories of.   

Thankful for this mother of mine! With my two dogs Gigi and her daughter Renee. I would love to have another poodle someday. They were so smart and so talented. My mom was a good mother to them too. She took exquisite care of them. I am thinking the pup in mom's left arm may be one of the boys Gigi. Napoléon or Frenchie. The poodle Gigi was breed with received the pick of the litter. I did not want to see them take one of her pups but that's how it all works. Napoleon went to my sis Mary and Frenchie to my mom's sister Ann. They were all so beautiful. 

This 1969 bronze colored Chevy truck looks like the one my father drove. I am sad that is disappeared and who know's where? Such a sad heart because my daddy took care of all of our vehicles. My dad wanted my nephew Charles to have his truck but without a will there was nothing to do about that. Lots of beautiful memories in that truck. Dad had Papa Smurf hanging from his rear view mirror. I recently found one and I will treasure it. Papa Smurf is looking through a looking glass. It was sweet, because when dad started his truck that little Smurf would  turn and look through that looking glass. My dad got a kick out of him. Thankful for my dad and his memories no one can take from me. 

Jeremy lost Stella Bella , his precious girl on July 13th. She would have turned 18 in August 2024. She was a street pup and he rescued her. She had an exceptionally beautiful life with Jeremy and later his wife and children too. Listening to Chuck Swindoll one morning studying in the book of Revelation, Chuck stopped to tell a little story. He said if you don't believe animals go to Heaven, you are going to be shocked when Jesus comes out of the clouds riding on a horse! It gave us comfort to think of that day. Praying it is soon. 

I will leave you with a beautiful hymn. I hope you will research the sadness behind this hymn. But what a beautiful story it really is. 

Thank you for stopping by. I will visit soon.