
Monday, August 5, 2024

Aw.... Mondays Blue Memories I Think I Love Pink love is.... Sparks


 A really long time ago I worked with Shirley. She was a young  girl just like me and we worked in the political field at the County Treasurer's Office in our hometown of Pueblo, Colorado. She married Scott and later on I married Avery and we moved away. We still keep in touch and she shares some silly and fun and serious things with me. This was just too cute not to share. We have both been married a long time and we appreciate the men we married.  You would have to be from Pueblo to understand this, but when we were kids there was a monkey at the local zoo and this one reminds me of him! He smoked cigarettes and adults would give him a "smoke" and light it up for him. Times are very different today. But I still love those monkeys and  when we visited the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo a few years ago there was a little monkey who only had one leg! She was a spirited little thing and she came to the window and befriended Rebekah our middle girl. Eve the monkey set her hand on the window and Rebekah set her hand on the other side of that window. That little monkey looked at Rebekah for the longest time. 

You can read the story of her amputated leg here EVE or at Pinterest on my Page FAVORITE FINDS.

A funny little meme turned in to telling Eve's story. I hope you like primates! I love them!

I love cool cars and these two happen to be blue! The 1962 Oldsmobile Starfire is my favorite because my dad was an Oldsmobile man. But the Ford Thunderbird is equally  beautiful and a classic car too. 

 I think I love Pink hats on tiny kittens! This brought an aw.......Mondays to me too. is....... a smilemaker!

Isn't this true? I have a wicker rocking chair on the patio. Although I love it to relax, sip a cold drink on a hot Summer's day or sip early morning coffee or tea when there is a chill in the air, rocking won't get you anywhere and either does worry. A Sparks share for today.

Finally, on this Monday morning, do you eat breakfast? If you do what is your favorite breakfast? I know it is a random question but inquiring minds need to know!

Have a blessed week and I hope something good happens to you today!


Sandee said...

I love my husband too and we compliment each other. As it should be.

Love primates too. Eve is a hug Awww and so are those cute kitties wearing pink hats. Adorable.

Love both those cars. I'll take both of them.

Love is... that's a perfect love is.

Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week. Love and hugs, my friend. ♥

Sandee said...

I forgot to answer the breakfast question. I rarely eat breakfast anymore and I never go out for breakfast because of all the old grease they use. Gagging me just thinking about it. On the rare occasions we have breakfast we fix it here and little to no grease. A nice cheesy omelet with lots of veggies (onions, mushrooms, bell peppers) and sourdough toast does it for us. ♥

Brian's Home Blog said...

That was such a sweet story about Rebekah and Eve. You shared the perfect Spark too!

Bill said...

What a nice interaaction Rebekah and Eve had, it was very special. Have a wonderful week.

pilch92 said...

I am blessed with a good hubby too. XO

Mevely317 said...

I needed to see that meme! All the same, what I wouldn't give for a sweet rocker on the patio. (Minus mosquitoes!)
Breakfast is my favorite meal of the day!

messymimi said...

I do find primates fascinating.

A rocker is a good place to sit and pray.

The best breakfast to me, when mango is in season, is to chop up a mango and chop up an avocado and mis those two with a tiny bit of salt sprinkled on top and maybe some raw sesame seeds or a bit of coriander. Yeah, I'm weird but I own it. said...

I love primates. They are fascinating. Loved the cars. Brings back memories of the car we had when we were kids. Just like the Impala!