
Tuesday, August 20, 2024



I wanted to give a big thank you to Ann for created the image on my sidebar. It means more to me than anyone can imagine. I am not good at technology. I have put a few images on my blogs but it is not my expertise. That darn cat will be missed. He was more like a Shadow and followed me everywhere. My son-in-law Zach noticed he liked to escape to the top of their China hutch downstairs.  It is really super tall and My boy would make the jump from the dining table to the small curio and up to that space where he could terrorize the pups but they could not reach him. He was very ornery.  One day Zach set a comfy bed up there for him and I think he wanted to stay there on Sunday but he realized he needed our help so he came down.

I will never forget him. When I lost Boots in 2012 I said I would never get another kitty. But a co worker needed to help her cousin find homes for some kittens. I took the poor boy in. I often thought what kind of life he would have had scrounging around with no one to care for him. so I was grateful and happy he was with me.

He was very ornery and I thought there is no way my Boots could be living in him with one of his 9 lives! Boots was gallant, a very fine gentleman. He was not daring but was a true friend. Someone you rarely find in a lifetime. This guy was like a tornado getting ready to terrorize any pet who got in his way. Except for Rose. Oh that girl could hold her own. Although she was Nick's cat, I always said if she was a person she would be left handed just like me. She never put up with the antics of Mister Kitty. She often beat him at his own game. But as Rose did for  Boots on his last day of life Mister Kitty would do for Rose on her last day of living. He did have a kind heart but he hid it well.

When Hannah's little Roxanne was at the end of her life, the other pets walked on the other side of her. Not Mister Kitty. My Tiger boy was there holding on his friend until her passing. He was broken after her passing. He howled for two straight weeks. I thought for certain we would be in trouble with the law.

Rest easy my sweet friend. I would not allow you to die a painful death. I am grateful I was able to hold you in my arms and in your own gentlemanly way, you folded those front paws as if you were praying for me. But enough sadness right now, I think we will like to remember you and your gorgeous green/amber eyes and in this silly pose as a small kitten:

Go visit Roxanne and Stella, Smokey, Bandit, Rose,  Spats, Tinkerbell, Boots, Rascal, Buttons, Shadow, Leo,  Casey, Layla and Trek. All those annoying pups and the feline friends , you loved them all in this life.


Lydia C. Lee said...

I'm so sorry. There's a very special pain that comes with the loss of a pet. they are 100% love and we love them all the more for it. #HappyTuesday

Sandee said...

I'm so sorry for your loss, Anne. I know how much you loved him. He loved you back and you gave him a great life.

Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. Love and healing hugs. ♥

Brian's Home Blog said...

The image that Ann did is most beautiful and I know how tough a loss like that is. We all send hugs and love your way.

messymimi said...

He's so handsome. Please accept my condolences for your loss. We never have them long enough.

My Tata's Cottage said...

Thank you, I have been so sad, I keep thinking I see him and feel him here with me. They are pure love. Thank you.

My Tata's Cottage said...

Thank you Sandee, I appreciat all you do all the time. I am so grateful to know you.

My Tata's Cottage said...

Thank you very much. I know you are familiar with loss. It is never easy. Grateful for friens. Thank you all for being there.

My Tata's Cottage said...

It is so true. I appreciat e you and always am grateful you are here. Have a blessed week. said...

He was such a handsome boy. Sounds like he had a special bond and personality. I'm so sorry that you had to say goodbye. May his memories be close to your heart always.

Veronica Lee said...

What a beautifully heartfelt tribute to Mister Kitty. It's clear that he brought so much joy and love into your life, despite his ornery nature. The way you describe his adventures and his tender moments with the other pets shows just how special he was. The bond you shared will always be cherished, and it’s touching to see how he left his mark not just on your heart, but on everyone around him. Rest in peace, sweet Mister Kitty 🐾

My Tata's Cottage said...

Thank you so much. I am grateful for everyone here. I love my blog friends. all these sweet messages and the side bar buttons that were created. I am so overwhelmed. Thank you for being here and have a blessed and beautiful weekend.

My Tata's Cottage said...

That you Veronica. He was a different kind of feline friend for certain. I catch myself thinking I saw him walk by or the pups still run to his eating area not quite sure that he is really gone . Life has been tough this month. But with my g=faith intact and good loved ones and friends all around I pray I am going to be ok. Have ablessed weekend.