
Thursday, May 16, 2013

"Z" is for

Zany! I always wonder what I will write about while showcasing the letter "Z". I like to be zany! There are lots of variations on the word zany. Here are a few: simpleton or silly person; clown, professional buffoon, comically wild or  eccentric person. Ludicrously or whimsically  comical, clownish. One who plays the clown or fool in order to amuse others. A secondary stock character in old comedies who mimicked his master! My phamily often likes to be zany!

Are you zany? Do you like to act silly or even laugh a lot? I do! I think laughter is good medicine. I love to eat too! How about some zucchini ? A nice plate of ziti ! A glass of Zinfandel?

Before you zip over to Ms. Jenny and visit all the "Z" gang tell me if you have ever participated in a blog retreat? I have been reading about these and wanted to see if anyone will share their experience. I think it would be zestfully  fun to participate. Tell me what you think!


Splendid Little Stars said...

a blog retreat?! now that's interesting!
great Z words! Zany can be fun, zucchini not as much. Zinfandel, yes please!

Ingrid said...

I certainly love to be "zany" I didn't know that word !

Leovi said...

If, like me, your family are zany fun!

Lola said...

Agreed - We all need to be zany sometimes in our lives!

btw Many thanks so much for all yr lovely comments over at my place!

carol l mckenna said...

Fun post and photo for Z !

Thanks for visiting .

Judie said...

That zucchini looks so delicious!! Thanks for a great "Z" post, Anne!!

Jillian's Bella Rosa Antiques said...

Well, I think your Z post was ZUPER!

New word, I just created!

Thanks so much for stopping by, your food pics look so yummy I want to make them for dinner!

Enjoy the weekend,

Pride In Photos Beauty said...

You did a great job with this difficult letter of "Z" I absolutely love Ziti.

LV said...

Laughter is definitely good for the soul. We all look better with laugh lines than frowns. Your family did a good zany job.

SarahBeth said...

Yum for that zucchini!
I haven't heard about a blog retreat but it surely will be fun!
So glad you stopped by my Z!

Lady In Read said...

great Z post.. i often like to be zany too :) zucchini and ziti and zest, that is great too..

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I think I would fit right into your family! Just pour me a glass of that wine! heehee! Hugs!

Esther Joy said...

I think our family is a bit zany! Zany people love to laugh, and laughter is such good medicine! Loved your post!

Eden House News and views said...

sorry have not got time to comment getting on a plane to share your consumable Z's

Pam Beers. said...

Every family should have a little zany in it. I like your choice of "Z" words, especially the Zinfandel.

Jenny said...


What a zesty and zany crew you have, Miss Anne!

I love how you make us all smile!

You are amaZing.
