I love music and I found a perfect song regarding the accident that could have taken the lives of our son and his two precious sons. Instead, they are all healing, each day, new milestones for the boys and some joy for their dad and mom and big sister. This simple song says everything I needed to hear to remind me of the importance of putting those we love first in this earthly life. I am sharing the lyrics here. I hope you will take a few minutes to listen to it. Thank you.
Saturday, November 16, 2024
Monday, October 28, 2024
A Monday Evening Note
I am missing from here but trying to get my act together after the past several months. I decided to simply pray about the identity theft. The DA office praised the thieve, she was only trying to care for her kids. Well, someone else still stole my identify repeatedly. They do not care so i choose to pray. I have been to many churches who help anyone out in a pinch. I have never had to give my name, address, income etc. We donate to food banks at churches. Now my name and address and only the Good Lord knows what else is out there. So I am here praying.
Avery is better since seeing the new Pulmonologist. Grateful he is well and will get continuity of care through this new doctor, who is a godsend.
I had tear ducts clogged. Still having some issues but that sweet young doctor who treated me was a sweetheart. She felt it was the cause of my stress from our precious grandboys and our son in that horrific accident. Once the boys are better and our son is isn't having to run into 100 different directions along with his wife taking care of everything, I think I will feel better too. I know they all will. It is hard to see those little boys hurting. Brody is so good caring for that broken right leg and Blake lets his mom clean that patched right eye. Lots of unknowns but prayer is working and we pray it will all work out for the good health of my sweet phamily.
Speaking of phamily, Hannah and Jake celebrated 5 years of marriage on the 24th. They went camping and enjoyed it. Lots of beautiful photos they shared. Than that darling boy turned 10 months old on the 26th and he decided time to crawl. Now the race is on. He is the cutest camping kid ever! Love that he loves their travels.
This girl has so much energy. These hot wheels are not as fast as they once were but she can make them go and she makes sure you know so you can watch her! She is "my brush my hair grandmother, buddy! " I wish more adults were like her. I remember how I loved brushing my own grandmother's hair for her as well as my Tata Rose. What memories.
Look at these smiles! Someone in the community knew Jarrett Stidham and reached out to him, as he is the Denver Bronco backup QB. Both he and Bo Nix, the starting QB and several other players signed this football for the boys.
Healing is a long process but with all the love, prayers, and simple acts of kindness have helped in the process of healing these two boys.
Friday, September 27, 2024
I have often wondered if my boy Tiger a/k/a Mr./ Mister Kitty would have been a good dad. FRIENDLY FILL IN ANSWERS Please visit Ellen fifteenandmeowing. dot com and Lorianne at fourleggedfurballs dot blogspot dot com1. I have had CV19 once. It was mild not wild like flu in previous years. I truly believe when they gave me Tamiflu it helped me back on December 31, 2013. That Dear Doctor Segall has since retired, but he was a true physician, kind, caring and wanting to make people well.2. There are no acceptable excuses for rudeness. Not ever.3.I wish Autumn/Fall lasted all year long.4. I probably look silly when I dance, but I don't care. I like to live life to the fullest. Life is short, dance, sing in the rain, catch snowflakes on your tongue. Do the ordinary because later in life you will find out that was all the extraordinary things in your life!
I get Snoopy, we currently have a late September heat wave!
HaHaHa! I have a Snoopy who will dance if you tug on his paw. Shea loves him! He does a cute little two step dance. It is quick fast!There are no carbon copies of you! Remember that! Now go out and enjoy a great weekend!A quick thank you to Pinterest helping me in a pinch always and forever!
Wednesday, September 4, 2024
Wordless Wednesday and Life in Turmoil
September 4, 2024, the sunrise this Wednesday morning from my back yard.
Life in Turmoil
The dictionary says turmoil means a state of extreme confusion, agitation or commotion.
I had my identity stolen. I do not when this happened. But I do know not only am I in a state of extreme confusion but everywhere I go to seek help is as well. I was contacted a few weeks ago by a District Attorneys office. They had someone in custody who committed 24 acts of cyber fraud, identify theft, ,criminal intent to commit cyber fraud and second degree forgery. It sounded so serious, yet here I sit, one day after the "supposed" sentencing of this person without a shred of information to help myself rebuild what this person stole from me. I am beaten down and at a breaking point. Because when I called the phone number provided, they patched up through to someone, who was on vacation, out of the office, away. When I heard from this person they listened to my story and dumped me on someone else who still has made no effort to contact me. I contacted all three credit bureau agencies. One allowed me to speak to a live agent! He immediately sent off my credit report. He said I should have it in 7 to 10 days depending on the USPS! The other two, stick you in a que, no one cares, no one live will speak to you and now they are sending me text messages, we need further info. There is absolutely no justice in the so called judicial system! So wasting to very expensive postage stamps to request these reports via USPS!
My credit is destroyed, I can not even begin to find out when and how and why I was attacked. So when I am told that jury duty is a right we must take seriously, I have to disagree. I am sitting here with a broken credit history and this person is probably getting community service. No information that she possibly sold my information to others. I Know this because my credit card which was brand spanking new as a result of the old card was getting ready to be expired . It was hit twice in two days with smaller charges. They closed the account and sent me a brand new card. Before I had finished activating this card it was hit twice. Hmmmm....... she sat in custody, receiving three free meals a day while someone was enjoying the luxury of using my two cards, same account, new and old credit card numbers in a matter of days.
It is sad time in our country. I can not speak for others elsewhere. But this is a nightmare and it is not going away. You can hire a pricey attorney. No, can not do it! I am ruined. My husband has worked at a major law firm for over 30 years. They do not practice this type of law. If they did, I would be set as the attorneys there are excellent in winning many historic cases.
I've been here contemplating this life we live. It is a sad one when there is not much hope for a better tomorrow. The only hope I have is with God. He has been my comfort. I have stayed as close to Him as I can. I am circling the drain and as I look at what is happening to America, it is to.
These words were powerful and hit me between the eyes. Such a truth in our ever unknown world.
Someone I knew had this verse on their desk. It is something I rely on as the darkness of the world tempts me with despair. Only Christ can save me so I choose HIM!
I appreciate everyone coming over with kindness and comfort during this loss of my boy Tiger a/k/a Mr. Kitty. To those of you that created mem buttons for me a huge THANK YOU as you blessed my heart with such caring. To everyone who prayed for Avery has he navigated the unknown thinking he was having a major asthma attack and a very unusual eczema breakout . When a doctor can not figure it out it seemed so frightening but the doctor, the nurse and the gentleman who had to walk my husband around before he would be released were kind, caring and compassion. THANK YOU!
This broken credit of mine is not going to save me. But I will search and see what I can find out. It is sad no one can tell you dates, times, places so I would have a clue as to what to look for. I am doing the best I can with nothing to go forward with.
A third person called me today from the Victim's Advocate office. She could not help me either. Said the person Lori from Restitution would call. Waiting waiting waiting!!
Tuesday, August 20, 2024
I wanted to give a big thank you to Ann for created the image on my sidebar. It means more to me than anyone can imagine. I am not good at technology. I have put a few images on my blogs but it is not my expertise. That darn cat will be missed. He was more like a Shadow and followed me everywhere. My son-in-law Zach noticed he liked to escape to the top of their China hutch downstairs. It is really super tall and My boy would make the jump from the dining table to the small curio and up to that space where he could terrorize the pups but they could not reach him. He was very ornery. One day Zach set a comfy bed up there for him and I think he wanted to stay there on Sunday but he realized he needed our help so he came down.
I will never forget him. When I lost Boots in 2012 I said I would never get another kitty. But a co worker needed to help her cousin find homes for some kittens. I took the poor boy in. I often thought what kind of life he would have had scrounging around with no one to care for him. so I was grateful and happy he was with me.
He was very ornery and I thought there is no way my Boots could be living in him with one of his 9 lives! Boots was gallant, a very fine gentleman. He was not daring but was a true friend. Someone you rarely find in a lifetime. This guy was like a tornado getting ready to terrorize any pet who got in his way. Except for Rose. Oh that girl could hold her own. Although she was Nick's cat, I always said if she was a person she would be left handed just like me. She never put up with the antics of Mister Kitty. She often beat him at his own game. But as Rose did for Boots on his last day of life Mister Kitty would do for Rose on her last day of living. He did have a kind heart but he hid it well.
When Hannah's little Roxanne was at the end of her life, the other pets walked on the other side of her. Not Mister Kitty. My Tiger boy was there holding on his friend until her passing. He was broken after her passing. He howled for two straight weeks. I thought for certain we would be in trouble with the law.
Rest easy my sweet friend. I would not allow you to die a painful death. I am grateful I was able to hold you in my arms and in your own gentlemanly way, you folded those front paws as if you were praying for me. But enough sadness right now, I think we will like to remember you and your gorgeous green/amber eyes and in this silly pose as a small kitten:
Go visit Roxanne and Stella, Smokey, Bandit, Rose, Spats, Tinkerbell, Boots, Rascal, Buttons, Shadow, Leo, Casey, Layla and Trek. All those annoying pups and the feline friends , you loved them all in this life.
Wednesday, August 14, 2024
Friday, August 9, 2024
If This Were An Olympic Sport..... Music Quiz Feline Friday My BoJon Heritage
So while visiting Chocolate Covered Daydreams , Simone had put up a post about "If This Were An Olympic Sport..." what would be your gold medal?
So here I am thinking hard on this question! Avery would be the gold winner in knowing the bible . When he studied New Testament Greek for two years in college I would say to him, "It is still Greek to me!" He was very good at translating and also he knows the bible well. Nick would have a gold medal in "gaming". He has the newest version of MLB and I am telling you it looks like a real ballpark! My grandsons Brody & Blake would be gold winners here too! Rebekah would be the gold medalist in organizing, planning and cooking for friends going through difficult losses etc. Zach, he is the Creme Brulee and the Cookie gold medalist. I am the best at laundry. It has always been my time with the Lord and I do not mind sorting, washing, drying, hanging up everything and putting it all away. A house filled with gold medal winners! HOORAY!
Respice, Prospice, Myra had a music quiz at social media. I did one there, then posted one at my other blog My Tata's Cottage. So maybe I could get a gold medal for this music quiz, my third one without any duplicate songs here!
Answer each question with a SONG. No duplicates, no copying and no peeking at the internet, although it can be quite tempting. Please join the fun and share your answers for your own gold medal.
1. Place: Take It Easy (Winslow, Arizona)
2. Animal: Larry the Lobster
3. Number: Mambo No. 5
4. Colour: Yellow Submarine
5. Girl's Name: My Sharona
6. Boy's Name: Tall Paul
7. Day of the Week: Except For Monday
8. Weather: Singing In The Rain
Please join in the fun.
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Three Kittens in A Blanket |
I though this Pinterest find was sweet.
Stop by and say hi to Feline Friday and thank Mimi for hosting.
My favorite photo of my son Jeremy and myself at his wedding in 2016. Our girl Noelle captured this photo better then a pro could! Both she and our late son-in-law Roger could capture the best of the best photos. He is the birthday boy today. He was celebrating with Brittany today. Tomorrow they have plans with a friend Sean and Noelle so we will watch the B&B brothers! They went back to school today. Brody to the first grade and Blake to kindergarten. Time flies away. HAPPY BIRTHDAY SON!
School dayz for these two brothers. My sports informants! You haven't lived til you have to pretend to be Aaron Gordon who is 28 years young and 6'8" tall. This guy is handsome and talented. All 5'4" of me has to try to block Brody who is Jokic. That's a tough game to play hahaha...
"Your off to great places. Today is your first day! Your mountain is waiting so get on your way! Dr. Seuss
Aw...today since 1944 Smokey has been reminding us to prevent forest fires. We had three burning here. Finally they were contained but the aftermath and rain is no fun at all. A gal I knew in my Princess House days, Denise worked with Smokey at the National Parks in the Denver area. She would bring my kids color books and other Smokey memorabilia. Rebekah bought me a Smokey the Bear reusable bag at Estes Park earlier this year.
Betty Boop has been around since 1930. I have lots of Betty earrings, t shirts, salt and pepper shakers too. She is a cutie.
Monday, August 5, 2024
Aw.... Mondays Blue Memories I Think I Love Pink love is.... Sparks
A really long time ago I worked with Shirley. She was a young girl just like me and we worked in the political field at the County Treasurer's Office in our hometown of Pueblo, Colorado. She married Scott and later on I married Avery and we moved away. We still keep in touch and she shares some silly and fun and serious things with me. This was just too cute not to share. We have both been married a long time and we appreciate the men we married. You would have to be from Pueblo to understand this, but when we were kids there was a monkey at the local zoo and this one reminds me of him! He smoked cigarettes and adults would give him a "smoke" and light it up for him. Times are very different today. But I still love those monkeys and when we visited the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo a few years ago there was a little monkey who only had one leg! She was a spirited little thing and she came to the window and befriended Rebekah our middle girl. Eve the monkey set her hand on the window and Rebekah set her hand on the other side of that window. That little monkey looked at Rebekah for the longest time.
You can read the story of her amputated leg here EVE or at Pinterest on my Page FAVORITE FINDS.
A funny little meme turned in to telling Eve's story. I hope you like primates! I love them!
I love cool cars and these two happen to be blue! The 1962 Oldsmobile Starfire is my favorite because my dad was an Oldsmobile man. But the Ford Thunderbird is equally beautiful and a classic car too.
I think I love Pink hats on tiny kittens! This brought an aw.......Mondays to me too.
aw...love is....... a smilemaker!
Isn't this true? I have a wicker rocking chair on the patio. Although I love it to relax, sip a cold drink on a hot Summer's day or sip early morning coffee or tea when there is a chill in the air, rocking won't get you anywhere and either does worry. A Sparks share for today.
Finally, on this Monday morning, do you eat breakfast? If you do what is your favorite breakfast? I know it is a random question but inquiring minds need to know!
Have a blessed week and I hope something good happens to you today!
Sunday, August 4, 2024
Times Are Going To Be Difficult
Thursday, August 1, 2024
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Anne Marie about 1957 I am thankful that I am that little girl who grew up in the best household with the best parents. |
Raised by this father of mine, He was a steel worker and the best baseball catcher I ever heard the stories of.
Thankful for this mother of mine! With my two dogs Gigi and her daughter Renee. I would love to have another poodle someday. They were so smart and so talented. My mom was a good mother to them too. She took exquisite care of them. I am thinking the pup in mom's left arm may be one of the boys Gigi. Napoléon or Frenchie. The poodle Gigi was breed with received the pick of the litter. I did not want to see them take one of her pups but that's how it all works. Napoleon went to my sis Mary and Frenchie to my mom's sister Ann. They were all so beautiful.
This 1969 bronze colored Chevy truck looks like the one my father drove. I am sad that is disappeared and who know's where? Such a sad heart because my daddy took care of all of our vehicles. My dad wanted my nephew Charles to have his truck but without a will there was nothing to do about that. Lots of beautiful memories in that truck. Dad had Papa Smurf hanging from his rear view mirror. I recently found one and I will treasure it. Papa Smurf is looking through a looking glass. It was sweet, because when dad started his truck that little Smurf would turn and look through that looking glass. My dad got a kick out of him. Thankful for my dad and his memories no one can take from me.
Jeremy lost Stella Bella , his precious girl on July 13th. She would have turned 18 in August 2024. She was a street pup and he rescued her. She had an exceptionally beautiful life with Jeremy and later his wife and children too. Listening to Chuck Swindoll one morning studying in the book of Revelation, Chuck stopped to tell a little story. He said if you don't believe animals go to Heaven, you are going to be shocked when Jesus comes out of the clouds riding on a horse! It gave us comfort to think of that day. Praying it is soon.
I will leave you with a beautiful hymn. I hope you will research the sadness behind this hymn. But what a beautiful story it really is.
Thank you for stopping by. I will visit soon.
Tuesday, July 30, 2024
Hahaha...Maxine makes you either happy or crazy! She thinks of everything!
love is.... aw.... makes me happy. We have shared many empanadas in our years together.
Thursday, July 18, 2024
Monday, July 1, 2024
Awwww.........Mondays and love is....... with Sparks
July is here. Do you celebrate?
Avery and Hannah both have July birthday's. This was taken a long time ago. Hannah was the flower girl for Avery's niece Stacie's wedding. Hannah shares her birthday with my dad's little brother Frank who passed away during the Influenza Epidemic in the 1900's. Their birthday's are July 3. Avery shares his birthday with my dad on July 23. Dad passed away in 1984 but he was happy to share his birthday with my husband. Avery lost her mom on his birthday in 2001; My paternal grandmother was born on July 29th. My brother Ed was born on July 5th. It is a red, white and blue month filled with birthdays, present and past.
My dad, as you know, played semi pro baseball in the 1930's. My uncle Tom Binder loved living in Texas ( he was a South Dakota boy) and he loved wearing his cowboy hat. He talked my dad into getting one. I have missed my father since his passing in 1984.
love is...always reads my mind.
This pretty young lady Alexis graduated from high school. This 2016 pic was taken with her grandpa Roger at Rebekah and Zach's wedding. He would be so very proud of her. She heads to Creighton for college this fall.
A Sparks to share today.
I hope you are enjoying this first day of July. It is not as hot as it has been, I am praying for rain,'
Tuesday, June 18, 2024
Blue Monday Memories even on Happy Tuesday. This cottage makes me happy. I would love yo go inside. Sigh...
Snoopy and Woodstock watching the clouds roll by and dreaming. My friend Karen and I would do that in the summertime. Her backyard had a cool Catalpa tree with cigar like fruit pods. We would pretend we were glamourous and hold a fruit pod like a long cigarette/cigar. we could watch the clouds for hours and talk about everything we had dreams of. Those were the good ole summertime days.