
Monday, January 27, 2020

Tuesday Show and Tail and Happy Tuesday and More

I have loved Tom and Jerry since I was a kid.  They have been around longer than I have! The series started in 1940 and ran until 1958. There have been several spin offs. I still watch the show with my hubby and we enjoy it immensely. Their antics are so silly and sometime frustrating, especially for Tom, but they belong together even though they antagonize each other. They are a favorite memory for me to share with my love of Tuesday Show and Tails that Angela once hosted.
If you visit Happy Tuesday you can share some happiness there. I am sharing Tom and Jerry. It is rare to see them smile together.

Ah....the little necessities of life! Love is....reads my mind.  A cup of hot tea and some tea cookies and my evening is almost complete.
HaHaHa! Maxine is so snarky! You gotta love her!
A little humor never hurt anyone. This one was truly just too cute not to share.
Did you grow up with an ash pit? Incinerator was another name, This isn't in the yard of my childhood home but someone shared it on my hometown page on social media. My dad always burned the trash. Today you can't use them in the city. Yet the air quality is still awful.  Too many people assembled in too many places all together. There is a big part of your answer. I miss my childhood, life was simple and people were kind.
Then and now. Boy does life move quickly.


Sandee said...

I love all the funnies and my favorite is Maxine. She and I are much alike.

Yes we had a 50 gallon barrel that dad burned the trash in. I so remember.

Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday, Anne. Big hug. ♥

My GBGV Life said...

Great funnies. Mom loves Maxine, Tom and Jerry, and she also remembers reading the Love is...cartoons in the paper every day when she was younger. Thanks for the reminders on funnies.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Those were terrific funnies! The Dad watched Tom & Jerry all the time back when he was a young one. He didn't have an ash bin but they did have a coal bin and would have to get coal delivered for their furnace.

Mevely317 said...

Oh, that Maxine …. she's the BEST!
I've never heard of an ash-can, but lots of yards down here -- ours included have burn barrels. Guess that's the same thing, but I'm paranoid about the flames/sparks getting to the fence or tree limbs overhead.

Love the 'then and now' pictures of your kiddos!

Edna B said...

I love Tom & Jerry too. We had such good stuff back in our day. We had a burn barrel, way back when. Not now. I love that Na Na joke. You have a wonderful day, hugs, Edna B.

pilch92 said...

I always liked Tom and Jerry. Great photo of your family then and now.

Anonymous said...

I adore your blog...first time we've been there.

Tom and Jerry were such a hit. We didn't get a TV until late in 58 but we sure loved Ed Sullivan, Bonanza and I believe Dick van Dyke. Fun memories.


Theresa said...

I loved Tom and Jerry too:) We would always watch them on Saturday mornings, oh those memories are precious to me. Cute cartoons, made me giggle. Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

Dogmom Diva said...

Pinky had an incinerator in her back yard..i remember in the 50s when my great grandparents lived there in the main house ( with Pinky) and my grandparents lived in the little house, they used it all the time. I wonder if its still there? I would love to be able to go visit..