Happy Tuesday
A Happy Tuesday to everyone! A collage of us from Easter 2022. It was a wonderful time. Today, I switched my blog posts up. I did not sleep Sunday night so I barely posted Monday's Aw...Mondays at My Tata's Cottage. I thought I would put up my Happy Tuesday post here.

Maxine has a serious attitude but I think it was easier to delete blogs that no longer exist or people you no longer have much in common with. I have come across a few old bloggers who took a serious hatweful turn and there is no way to delete them. If you have the old google button to friend/unfriend people that is easy but otherwise.....I would like to delete many old blogs that no longer blog . This blogger is getting cheaper and cheaper. No spell check, nothing. It has been frustrating but I do not like ads and don't want to pay huge amounts of money considering the shape our country is in. Everything has become so expensive, I do not have extra money for these kind of things. So I will avoid the ones that still pop up that have become so anti American. I was raised to respect everyone and I remember my dad saying if you went over to Canada to watch a baseball game always be respectful and honor their flag. .
I hope you have a wonderful new week. I am happy that I did get some rest earlier today. But it is hard getting into the swing of the day when you are sleep deprived. Hoping for sweet dreams .
Wonderful photo! Blogger hasn't bothered me YET...
Like everything, blogging is constantly evolving. We can't stand blogs full of ads either and we usually stop visiting those. Our blog used to make money, but now it is for our own enjoyment and we don't worry about that anymore. Great Easter pics. We spent the day in the car driving home, but it was fun.
Happy Tuesday to you! Great/happy pictures:) I don't blog as much as I used to but still enjoy it. It is always changing, isn't it. Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!
Your life would be far easier if you did one hop on one of your blog and then the other hop on this blog. Less work for you.
I'm so happy you had a wonderful Easter. Smiles everywhere.
Yes on the blogs. I hear you.
Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.
Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. Love and hugs, Anne. ♥
Interesting point you make about blogs 'gone stale.' I don't know if this relates to the challenges you're experiencing, but: Under the Stats section there's a whole list of your followers. To the right of each of their names there's a box you can click to block them. Gilda Radner was right: It's always something!
It's way past time for me to update my blogs list but when do i have the time? Meanwhile, it looks like you had a wonderful Easter celebration, and Sandee is right, if you do one blog one day, and the other the next day you might have more fun with them. It could be worth thinking about.
I'm glad your Easter was filled with fun. We just blog for fun too, I got rid of all of my ads (which used to make good money, but the FTC is horrible to bloggers). Have a fun evening.
I use Wordpress instead of Blogger, but that has quirks too. XO
Dear Ms Anne, Thank yoo for stopping by my bloggy to comment on my Easter post. My momma told me recently that she's overwhelmed and kinda burned out, so she's letting me carry the load of writing blog posts. It's not fair. I have not received extra incentive... like additional Temptations or a portion of her bweakfast. Therefore, I will be contacting my littergator to discuss my options. Stay tuned. And please, enjoy a good week. Love, Dori
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