Sunday, January 31, 2021
Aw...Mondays and More

Saturday, January 30, 2021
Friday, January 29, 2021
End of the Week Thoughts and Things
What a wild week! We have so much going on, trying to get things done. So I apologize. I am trying to figure how in the world I can come visit everyone without interuptions. Waiting most of the day for an electrician who never showed up. At least needing plumbing advice gives us a 2 hour window and he will be here tomorrow. Owning a home is always having something going on or going wrong. Prayers are so welcomed.
Always great comfort in wise words.These felines look like Lulu and Thor this morning. They were lying inside Rebekah's coat she left on a chair in the living room. The days have warmed up but the snow is coming again so I will be wrapped up like these fur babies too.
2020 was a tough year for many. But the good that came from it for our phamily brought Shea Avery Marie to us as well as Ellie Jean . So I will keep keeping on and remembering all the good in 2020. Do not set your mind on negativity. The world is swirling in it. Rather set your heart and your mind on everything good that comes from struggles, sadness, walking that uphill road. Do not let all the sadness that is blasted on your TV or radio everyday trouble you. I keep my heart and mind on Jesus. He is the answer. He is the truth, the light, the way. Otherwise I would lose my sanity when I see the hateful one sided lies that are spread everywhere. I feel like I am being tested. I make a choice, be of this world, or be of God's perfect world. My choice is an easy one.
No recent updates on Ella and Tarrah although I know both of them are receiving the best care they can get. Nick heads back to work tomorrow, finally having switched primary doctors and finding someone who gave him the necessary meds he needs to heal. Grateful for prayer. Keep praying.
Boys...with smiles who helped me celebrate last month for my birthday. I thought you might like to see a few smiles. Plus the pink Rapunzel cake is perfect for Pink Saturday
Thursday, January 28, 2021
Feline Friday
Rose had exquisite eyes. She was a real beauty. She had such a love for Nick. It was a very wonderful relationship because she knew he saved her from doom. I am glad she came to live with us and stayed for a long while. Missing her always as she was the quiriest cat you would ever meet.
Feline Friday these other beautiful felines are borrowed from google images.
Another green eyed beauty.
A Russian Blue with iridescent eye color.
Have you ever noticed how beautifully shaped a feline's eyes are? I always look at the little things in everything in lifr. Often they really are the big, important things.
1. So far 2021 is exactly the same as 2020.
2. A book (movie or song) title that best describes my life is "Baby Shark" currently.
3. Falling in love with my hubby was a pleasant surprise.
4. I learned that the little grands and too much sugar is a recipe for disaster.
Sweet dreams all! Hoping we meet here again tomorrow.
Wednesday, January 27, 2021
Happy Thursday
My cat is quite annoying, he is always wanting to be up close and personal with me. But as long as he gets fresh water and food he is happy and so am I. He can certainly cheer me up on a bad day.
Daphne is a loner. She looks at the dogs with dislike. She does not appreciate Mister Kitty stealing nuggets of her food. But she minds her business and as long as she is fed and gets freshwater from the faucet, she is also very happy. Her favorite thing is to sit high on her roof of her house and let the sun shine on her.
Cats are very upfront creatures. They want what they want and do as they please. There is no way around them. They are very stubborn and very opinionated. I know my boy sings the song of his people often.
I use to love reading anything Rod McKuen wrote years ago. I learned one thing about him, he truly loved cats.
1. Having a cat in your home
2. Having a dog or two or more also
3. Having good people to help you with the felines and canines
4. Enjoying the company of meowing and barking all day long
5. Never being alone, that is a good thing. Plus all the animals will rush to your side if they see you fall or cry or have a bad day. That is some good happiness to have in your life.
Ellen and Lorianne share in the fun of creating questions for all of us to answer each week. Here they are for this week:
1. So far 2021 is __________________.
2. A book (movie or song) title that best describes my life is __________________
3. __________________was a pleasant surprise.
4. I learned that _________________is a recipe for disaster.
Tomorrow I will be back to answer these questions.
Thank you for being here. Thank you for your nice comments. I snapped the Wordless Wednesday photo yesterday a few years ago at E.B. Raines Park. It is within walking distance of my home. It is named after the lone police officer who lost his life during a domestic violence call. The lake inside the park is called Webster Lake and it is a very pretty place to visit. It is also across the road from some excellent dining establishments and other businesses. The snow we had yesterday reminded me that Spring will be here at some point and we will see all the beautiful flowers again. But for now we will watch the snow fall and enjoy an entirely different kind of beauty. We live in Colorado afterall.
Sleep well and hoping to see you again tomorrow. Sweet dreams.
Tuesday, January 26, 2021
Monday, January 25, 2021
Happy Tuesday and Tuesday Show And Tails
Sunday, January 24, 2021
Aw....Mondays and More
Aw...Mondays Miss Ella turned 1 month old on January 24, 2021. She posed her with Mom Tarrah and Dad Andrew. She is getting closer to going home every single day as she continues to improve and grow and be a girly girl. PLease continue praying. Tarrah needs a special diet due to her dialysis, Andrew needs prayer because he is taking care of everything and because he is just simply a wonderful husband and dad. He works hard keeping it all together. He is what my mom would have said is "a keeper". Ella needs prayer so she can continue to do so well and go home where four older brothers are waiting for her.
Jeremy and Brittany received good news! They did get the home they really wanted. I am so grateful for everyone who prayers for my loved ones . They will be happy to get into a larger place so they have the room they need. Brittany's brother is going to buy their home so it is an easy trade. God is good.
This Love is...reminds me how blessed I am for the husband I was gifted by God. I am sure Tarrah thinks this way about Andrew and I Know he thinks she is his "Wonder Woman".
1 John 5:14 “This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us.”
. Colossians 4:2 “Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.”
Rest well and thank you for being here. What a beautiful day it is when good news abounds.
Saturday, January 23, 2021
This and That
Princess Sassy Pants has good things to share. I Like this one very much! We all need rest. We all need to take a break.
G R A T I T U D E : this one is correct too! Everyday there is something to be thankful for.
1. Today we had the pleasure of the company of tqo of our grandsons.
2. The sun was shining and the weather was lovely early in the day.
3. We was blessed to chat with Hannah for a while too.
4. We had a nice quiet dinner at home and watched some Signed, Sealed and Delivered movies.
Prayer is always welcomed. Jeremy and Brittany are looking for a larger home. They have outgrown their sweet home. The market is a wild ride and pricing is out of this world. P R A Y W O R K S !
Enjoy your weekend and thank you for visiting.
Sweet Dreams! Hoping to see you tomorrow.
Friday, January 22, 2021
Feline Friday
Friday Feline This sweet cat was abandones by it's owner. I know it looks like everything it needs is around it but our daughter's friend is going to try to adopt this feline baby. Her sister-in-law and hubby bought a new home and this is what they found when they went to move in. She said he was scared. D U H ! What kind of horrible person just up and leaves their pet?I think, like other criminals, there should be a photo of these people at shelters and pet stores everywhere so they can never own another pet. Even a fire station or a vet clinic will accept abandones pets. He appears to have a nice cat tower but seriously, why thinks they can dump and run a pet? The people who bought the home have a child who is allergic to cats. But they contacted their realtor so they can find out who these awful people are.
When Mister KItty came to live with us I took him because I knew his life would be short as if you are not a responsible pet owner and allow your cat or dog to roam around having litters. There should be laws but I suppose people will always break laws. I am glad he is going with people who love pets. Please say a prayer he will get along with their cat and dogs. Sometime you do what you have to do.
Friendly Fill In's with Ellen and Lorianne host Friendly Fill In's:
Here are the questions:
There have been so many stars in the sky. I really want to invest in a telescope. I love looking up at them. I believe in signs, and I think God is sending some our way. Have you looked into the night sky lately? We have lots of street lights and car lights etc. but in the past two weeks I Have seen so many stars I have lost count.
Thursday, January 21, 2021
Thankful Thursday
Thankful today because I was able to help my grandson Colton. He works graveyards so Jacey had to work and he had not had any sleep since last night. So I watched the two littles for him. His mother-in-law was up all night with her little dog. Their Lulu had been hit by a car and had some serious surgery. So the little pup is having some rough nights. My SIL Roger was watching the boys as Tarrah had appointments and time to be with Ella. It was a good day as Colton stayed here and slept.
Grateful the littles were good and Baby girl had a nice long nap when the Grandfather arrived home. It was perfect timing as she had a major diaper happening so giving her a quick bath was in order. She was so sweet splashing in the water. Reminded me of both of her brothers when they were small like her. Big brother is a cartoon expert. He has a line up he likes to watch. Normally we play games but Nick was using the office where the games were stored so we were out of luck. She loves that pink and purple unicorn. Harrison use to love him too. She is a Baby Einstein expert hitting those buttons on the octopus to make music! She is serious until she sees her big brother. Then the laughter begins.
Blessed to have phamily who help each other out when needed.
Visit Thankful Thursday. This google image cat looks like me some mornings. You know that feeling? Sometime you are just not ready to roll out of bed and start a new day.
Princess Sassy Pants always has something important to share.
Sweet dreams everyone. Hoping to see you again tomorrow for the perfect ending to a week.
Wednesday, January 20, 2021
Tuesday, January 19, 2021
Happy Tuesday
It is a huge milestone. Ella is out of the NICU ICU and into the regular NICU so she can begin to learn to be a baby. She is 3 lbs. 1 oz. We are estatic. She is adorable too. Keep those prayers coming.
These two brothers, Loki and Thor have a birthday coming up February 12th. They will be 3 years old. They fit into Happy Tuesday and Tuesday and Show Tails. My girl Lulu will turn 3 on February 23rd. They are such happy tails.
Oh Maxine, I so agree with you! This winter has been so blasted cold but not with very much snow. I do love the snow as long as I can watch it from the inside. It is interesting, other areas of our country that do not normally get snow are getting hammered. Our daughter in Western NY has already seen two major snowstorms that left plenty of snow in their path.
Happiness is a form of courage. American Proverb
The best climate is found in the state of Contentment. ~James Lendall Basford (1845–1915), Sparks from the Philosopher's Stone, 1882
Monday, January 18, 2021
Integrity has weighed on my mind a lot during the past several years. We have seen so much hatred, so much violence, so many acts of unkindness toward others. I love what the word integrity means:
- 1.the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness."he is known to be a man of integrity"Similar:honestyuprightnessprobityrectitudehonorhonorablenessupstandingnessgood characterprinciple(s)ethicsmoralsrighteousnessmoralitynobilityhigh-mindednessright-mindednessnoble-mindednessvirtuedecencyfairnessscrupulousnesssinceritytruthfulnesstrustworthinessOpposite:dishonesty
- 2.the state of being whole and undivided."upholding territorial integrity and national sovereignty"Similar:unityunificationwholenesscoherencecohesionundividedness
Never rob your character to enrich your pocket. ~James Lendall Basford (1845–1915), Seven Seventy Seven Sensations, 1897
It is not to know what to do, but strength to do it, knowing. ~Muriel Strode (1875–1964), "A Soul's Faring: LXXVIII," A Soul's Faring, 1921
The two biggest little words in the English language are the two little words