Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Prairie Dog Days
Welcome to Tuesday's Show and Tail! It will be Wedesday for some of you by the time I post this! I need to get better organizational skills. The ones i had before I had kids! Smile!
Visit Angela and find her button for Show and Tail on my right sidebar.
I love prairie dogs. I know they are a menace to farmers and ranchers. I know they carry the plague. In fact in Boulder, Colorado this week a woman saw several of these little critters dead around her property. She called the authorities and they found the plague! Yikes!
But these furry little critters are very sweet and cute and they are getting snuffed out. There is no where for them to go and they are such intricate little builders. They live in underground cities and they are interesting little furry animals.
When my middle daughter and her old beau worked for the non defunct Sonic at Grant and 104th Avenue they use to toss old tater tots to the little fellas after work at night! They looked so happy because they are vegetarians you know! But they are wary creatures and they keep their cities safe from the enemy, humans!
I just had to talk about them tonight. I love the little prairie dog critters!
When our oldest daughter was in the 3rd grade she attended a school who's mascot was a gopher! We all had the school t shirt which was light yellow with a blue gopher on the front! One night my hubby picked me up from my 4 to midnight shift at the hospital emergency room and a drunk hassled him calling him a kook cause of that shirt! I remember my hubby said "Its a mascot buddy for my daughters school!" Nonetheless I have a soft spot for those furry friends, and am sharing a few internet images here for you. Goodnight!
Visit Angela and find her button for Show and Tail on my right sidebar.
I love prairie dogs. I know they are a menace to farmers and ranchers. I know they carry the plague. In fact in Boulder, Colorado this week a woman saw several of these little critters dead around her property. She called the authorities and they found the plague! Yikes!
But these furry little critters are very sweet and cute and they are getting snuffed out. There is no where for them to go and they are such intricate little builders. They live in underground cities and they are interesting little furry animals.
When my middle daughter and her old beau worked for the non defunct Sonic at Grant and 104th Avenue they use to toss old tater tots to the little fellas after work at night! They looked so happy because they are vegetarians you know! But they are wary creatures and they keep their cities safe from the enemy, humans!
I just had to talk about them tonight. I love the little prairie dog critters!
When our oldest daughter was in the 3rd grade she attended a school who's mascot was a gopher! We all had the school t shirt which was light yellow with a blue gopher on the front! One night my hubby picked me up from my 4 to midnight shift at the hospital emergency room and a drunk hassled him calling him a kook cause of that shirt! I remember my hubby said "Its a mascot buddy for my daughters school!" Nonetheless I have a soft spot for those furry friends, and am sharing a few internet images here for you. Goodnight!
Tuesday's Show and Tail
Monday, August 30, 2010
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Today is the date of my parents wedding anniversary. They were married this date in 1935. My mothers brother Louie and her younger sister Ann were their attendants. My mother had an eighteen inch waist! Look at those lovely calla lily flowers in her bouquet. I had wonderful parents. This picture is framed and hangs in our bedroom with a collage of phamily wedding photos. I am sorry the quality does not shine but it is framed and I would not take that photo apart for anything! I miss my folks as they were wonderful examples of true Christian love. But I do store lots of memories here.
My oldest daughter had wanted to be married on this date and the hall she rented was already taken so she moved her wedding to August 27th. She wanted my mom in attendance and her grandma Rita too so she chose to move her wedding to Pueblo. The Marriott Hotel and Convention Center has 163 rooms and for my daughters wedding we rented 73 rooms and they were all filled with phamily and friends. It was a beautiful wedding and that was ten years ago on Aug. 27th. I am very proud of Noelle and Roger. They have really managed to stay happy and enjoy their phamily. They went to dinner at a Hawaiian steak house on Friday night. If anyone can find a unique eatery it is my girl! She has had a love of good food since she was a small child. So happy anniversary to my loved ones today.
My oldest daughter had wanted to be married on this date and the hall she rented was already taken so she moved her wedding to August 27th. She wanted my mom in attendance and her grandma Rita too so she chose to move her wedding to Pueblo. The Marriott Hotel and Convention Center has 163 rooms and for my daughters wedding we rented 73 rooms and they were all filled with phamily and friends. It was a beautiful wedding and that was ten years ago on Aug. 27th. I am very proud of Noelle and Roger. They have really managed to stay happy and enjoy their phamily. They went to dinner at a Hawaiian steak house on Friday night. If anyone can find a unique eatery it is my girl! She has had a love of good food since she was a small child. So happy anniversary to my loved ones today.
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Dear Lord I am praying today for the hurting in this world. Many do not know how to reach out to you. Please give them the tools to come to you and allow the Holy Spirit to touch their hearts and their minds in Christ Jesus name Amen.
prayer request
Miracle Makeover/Healing Weekend: A Poem By Rebekah Robinson
She was born of working hands
They were born with silver spoons
She was from the wrong side of town
They were from the upper class
The families were part of the country club
The siblings had private piano lessons
Parents were past alumni
Dads still wore their football rings
Her family was the most important thing
Her siblings were her closest friends
And when her parents struggled with bills
Everyone pitched in to help
She memorized the RTD schedule
They learned how to drive new cars
For her, high school was a privilege
To her classmates, just another luxury
She wore bargain clothes from the Salvation Army
Her classmates wore Abercrombie and Fitch
She worked the weekends on minimum wage
While they hung out in Aspen and Steamboat resorts
She didn't care about popularity
Her classmates couldn't get enough of it
They worried about WHICH college to go with friends
While she worried about receiving financial aide next fall
It was exclusive and expensive
But it was the best kind of education
And although she didn't fit in
She knew she belonged in college
My middle daughter wrote this poem. She had an assignment in her college writing class to write a poem about her own educational experience. This is our life. I am very proud of her. She is a terrific writer and she writes from her heart. I just thought this poem would fit into this weekends theme. My phamily values education and my kids are trying to achieve a better life. I hope you will like it. Dreams can come true. Internet images.
They were born with silver spoons
She was from the wrong side of town
They were from the upper class
The families were part of the country club
The siblings had private piano lessons
Parents were past alumni
Dads still wore their football rings
Her family was the most important thing
Her siblings were her closest friends
And when her parents struggled with bills
Everyone pitched in to help
She memorized the RTD schedule
They learned how to drive new cars
For her, high school was a privilege
To her classmates, just another luxury
She wore bargain clothes from the Salvation Army
Her classmates wore Abercrombie and Fitch
She worked the weekends on minimum wage
While they hung out in Aspen and Steamboat resorts
She didn't care about popularity
Her classmates couldn't get enough of it
They worried about WHICH college to go with friends
While she worried about receiving financial aide next fall
It was exclusive and expensive
But it was the best kind of education
And although she didn't fit in
She knew she belonged in college
My middle daughter wrote this poem. She had an assignment in her college writing class to write a poem about her own educational experience. This is our life. I am very proud of her. She is a terrific writer and she writes from her heart. I just thought this poem would fit into this weekends theme. My phamily values education and my kids are trying to achieve a better life. I hope you will like it. Dreams can come true. Internet images.
Spiritual Sunday//MIracle Post
Amy Grant - Angels 1984
I love this Amy Grant video! In fact I wore out a tape back when this came out in the 1980s. I feel angels surround me everyday! I want to dedicate this post today to Colette and Kelee and all the angels involved in the Miracle Makeover. Please click on the Spiritual Sunday button on my right sidebar and visit all the SS posts this weekend. Peace
Spiritual Sunday
Friday, August 27, 2010
Hi and Welcome to Pink Saturday and a special post this weekend for the Miracle Makeover sponsored by Kelee here and Guidepost magazine here. I think everyone in blog land knows Colette by now! She is a little miracle in progress and she had a beautiful healing room makeover. You can check out the video at Kelee's site and at Guidepost.
I want to share my own miracles this weekend. I apologize for the late post because I have been down and out with a crummy sinus infection. I have not felt well enough to take care of any business including my most fun business here with my bloggy buddies!
This was easy for me to post because I experienced a few true miracles in my lifetime primarily during my twenty six year marriage that I am happy to say that I am still in! But the beginning of my marriage unraveled like a bad sewing job! I married my husband is May 1984. Two months later I was diagnosed with hydrocephalus! Two months after my diagnosis I had neurosurgery. My husband should have run for his life but instead he stuck it out with me! The surgery was long and dangerous and I had to spend two entire weeks healing in the hospital. At that time my girlfriend whom I have known since we were mere infants worked across the street at the Cancer Center and she spent her lunch hour feeding me each day. My brother Ed would come by from his downtown office and feed me my dinner each night. My husband cared for our daughter and then he would take her to my brothers house 20 miles from our own and drop her off with my sister-in-law Cheri while he ran to the hospital to visit me each night! The man shaved my legs in that hospital bed and washed my half bald head each night. He cared for me so exquisitely that I would not trade him for all the money and fame and material things in the world! One year later, nearly to the date, my shunt that they placed in my head failed to function and I needed more surgery! Only this time I had a brand spanking new baby boy to care for! My oldest son was three weeks old when I had that second surgery. Two months later more surgery was needed! I was slowly losing my mind while trying to care for my phamily. My husband never wavered in his love for me and the kids. His dad came up and spent two weeks caring for me as well so that my hubby could go back to work. I am not sure how we managed it all but with God's love and grace somehow we survived. Five months later I was back to work at the medical school at the university. I was alone in the office with my boss the department chair Dr. Pizer. I looked at him and told him I thought I was losing my mind! He made a quick phone call, grabbed a wheelchair, from where, I still do not know, and raced across the bridge with me in tow to the hospital. I was told by a cocky young Jewish resident that more surgery was coming because my shunt had totally malfunctioned! I told him I thought perhaps he might go fly a kite because I needed to be alone with God and He and I were going to talk! He chuckled as he closed the door behind him! I let God have it! I told Him how dare He allow this to happen to me! How dare He allow more crummy surgery when I was about to lose my mind! I told Him I am going to pray so darn hard He will not want me to get any more surgery! The young resident allowed my hubby to go to the MRI dept. with me and he was allowed in the room as I was getting my MRI because there is no radiation flying around the room and he was allowed to hold on to my toes as we prayed together and the machine performed its task! When the young doctor entered my room with my results he was pale and looked as if he himself had seen a ghost! He said there was absolutely no medical evidence as to why my shunt was totally non functioning earlier and now it was fully functioning! I said something like that's because My God is awesome and you ought to try Him yourself! He quickly left the room!
"Be strong and courageous, do not be afraid or tremble at them, for the LORD your God is the one who goes with you. He will not fail you or forsake you." Deuteronomy 31:6
I have a simple hand stitched frame picture to share today for Pink Saturday. It is not anything fancy but whoever made it I am positive they stitched each stitch with love.It is a cute thrifty find I found at the Salvation Army for ninety nine cents! To me it is worth more than gold!
I hope you will stop and visit as many Pink Saturday posts as you can! Remember to thank Beverly for allowing us to all participate in this healing make over with Kelee and Colette. You may find Beverly at http://howsweetthesound.typepad.com/ Thank sweet Sherry at http://countrywingsinphoenix.blogspot.com/. Thank Charlotte and Ginger at http://bloggerspirit.blogspot.com/ and all the Spiritual Sunday participates. Make sure you give a great big blog hug to Kelee, Colette and the staff of the Guidepost for giving us all I little joy today. If I have failed to mention anyone else our love goes out to you too! I have been under the weather and appreciate your patience while I try to get back into the swing of things. I cherish all my comments and I will catch up visiting everyone this weekend. Blessings to all of you.
Please also visit Diann here She is one amazing lady with a sweet hubby Troy and their own Princess. I was deeply touched by Diann's story today. Always "Be kind to everyone you meet because everyone is fighting their own battle." Plato
I want to share my own miracles this weekend. I apologize for the late post because I have been down and out with a crummy sinus infection. I have not felt well enough to take care of any business including my most fun business here with my bloggy buddies!
This was easy for me to post because I experienced a few true miracles in my lifetime primarily during my twenty six year marriage that I am happy to say that I am still in! But the beginning of my marriage unraveled like a bad sewing job! I married my husband is May 1984. Two months later I was diagnosed with hydrocephalus! Two months after my diagnosis I had neurosurgery. My husband should have run for his life but instead he stuck it out with me! The surgery was long and dangerous and I had to spend two entire weeks healing in the hospital. At that time my girlfriend whom I have known since we were mere infants worked across the street at the Cancer Center and she spent her lunch hour feeding me each day. My brother Ed would come by from his downtown office and feed me my dinner each night. My husband cared for our daughter and then he would take her to my brothers house 20 miles from our own and drop her off with my sister-in-law Cheri while he ran to the hospital to visit me each night! The man shaved my legs in that hospital bed and washed my half bald head each night. He cared for me so exquisitely that I would not trade him for all the money and fame and material things in the world! One year later, nearly to the date, my shunt that they placed in my head failed to function and I needed more surgery! Only this time I had a brand spanking new baby boy to care for! My oldest son was three weeks old when I had that second surgery. Two months later more surgery was needed! I was slowly losing my mind while trying to care for my phamily. My husband never wavered in his love for me and the kids. His dad came up and spent two weeks caring for me as well so that my hubby could go back to work. I am not sure how we managed it all but with God's love and grace somehow we survived. Five months later I was back to work at the medical school at the university. I was alone in the office with my boss the department chair Dr. Pizer. I looked at him and told him I thought I was losing my mind! He made a quick phone call, grabbed a wheelchair, from where, I still do not know, and raced across the bridge with me in tow to the hospital. I was told by a cocky young Jewish resident that more surgery was coming because my shunt had totally malfunctioned! I told him I thought perhaps he might go fly a kite because I needed to be alone with God and He and I were going to talk! He chuckled as he closed the door behind him! I let God have it! I told Him how dare He allow this to happen to me! How dare He allow more crummy surgery when I was about to lose my mind! I told Him I am going to pray so darn hard He will not want me to get any more surgery! The young resident allowed my hubby to go to the MRI dept. with me and he was allowed in the room as I was getting my MRI because there is no radiation flying around the room and he was allowed to hold on to my toes as we prayed together and the machine performed its task! When the young doctor entered my room with my results he was pale and looked as if he himself had seen a ghost! He said there was absolutely no medical evidence as to why my shunt was totally non functioning earlier and now it was fully functioning! I said something like that's because My God is awesome and you ought to try Him yourself! He quickly left the room!
"Be strong and courageous, do not be afraid or tremble at them, for the LORD your God is the one who goes with you. He will not fail you or forsake you." Deuteronomy 31:6
I have a simple hand stitched frame picture to share today for Pink Saturday. It is not anything fancy but whoever made it I am positive they stitched each stitch with love.It is a cute thrifty find I found at the Salvation Army for ninety nine cents! To me it is worth more than gold!
I hope you will stop and visit as many Pink Saturday posts as you can! Remember to thank Beverly for allowing us to all participate in this healing make over with Kelee and Colette. You may find Beverly at http://howsweetthesound.typepad.com/ Thank sweet Sherry at http://countrywingsinphoenix.blogspot.com/. Thank Charlotte and Ginger at http://bloggerspirit.blogspot.com/ and all the Spiritual Sunday participates. Make sure you give a great big blog hug to Kelee, Colette and the staff of the Guidepost for giving us all I little joy today. If I have failed to mention anyone else our love goes out to you too! I have been under the weather and appreciate your patience while I try to get back into the swing of things. I cherish all my comments and I will catch up visiting everyone this weekend. Blessings to all of you.
Please also visit Diann here She is one amazing lady with a sweet hubby Troy and their own Princess. I was deeply touched by Diann's story today. Always "Be kind to everyone you meet because everyone is fighting their own battle." Plato
Pink Saturday
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Have you stopped by Mrs. Matlock's place and thank her for hosting summer school? You need to! She is a gracious teacher always making sure we get good grades! I have a potpourrri of summer blues. I am gettings some sort of sinus bug and I feel awful! SO here goes my little parade of blues:
Here is a nice summer day with a mountain top view and a blue sky! My cute summer straw hat with the blue flower motif and my Lady Blue Belle who is actually a ringing little bell!
Go say hi to Mrs. Matlock here and visit all the sweet blue posts.
Here is a nice summer day with a mountain top view and a blue sky! My cute summer straw hat with the blue flower motif and my Lady Blue Belle who is actually a ringing little bell!
Go say hi to Mrs. Matlock here and visit all the sweet blue posts.
Alphabe Thursday
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
The Lawrence Welk Show: Chicken Dance
I was visiting Tuesday Tails and saw a real chicken dancing. But at SLOVEnian weddings they do this dance. I love it! I had to share it!
Welcome to Tuesday's Show and Tail! Please visit Angela here, she hosts the greatest Tuesday meme. Today I am showing off some of my favorite creatures. I love gorillas. When I go to my local zoo I love to visit the Great Apes. Unfortunately, they are very private and often do not come out to see the humans oggling them! A few years ago a baby gorilla came to the glass enclosure and he stared at my middle daughter. We took his picture and he put his hand on the glass and she put her hand on the other side of the glass! It was such a poignant moment. I wish we could have taped that moment. But because these mammals are so private we did not want to upset him. He looked so loving at our daughter, it was just the neatest feeling. That same day a crazed monkey stared down our older son. The more we told him to stop the more aggravated that monkey got! He was so evil he just looked like he wanted to reach out and smack someone! He was very naughty! Then there are the gorillas, such kind and loving beings when they warm up to people.
I loved the movie "Gorilla's in the Mist". But when Diana Fosse was found murdered the suspects were the gorillas she befriended. I believe it was poachers that murdered her. Those gorilla's are so highly intelligent and they had made a life with her. It was such a terrible tragedy that she was taken when her work with them was not complete.
I have a friend Sandy who is the sweetest and kindest lady you could ever meet. She is very family oriented but she once confided in me that if she could do anything in the world she would travel to Africa and live with the gorilla's. I always thought that was one of the neatest fantasies any one ever shared with me. I like that idea and if I had the time and the money I would join Sandy!
Go visit all the participates of this fun Tuesday meme and enjoy my photo collage here: courtesy of images I found on the web.
I loved the movie "Gorilla's in the Mist". But when Diana Fosse was found murdered the suspects were the gorillas she befriended. I believe it was poachers that murdered her. Those gorilla's are so highly intelligent and they had made a life with her. It was such a terrible tragedy that she was taken when her work with them was not complete.
I have a friend Sandy who is the sweetest and kindest lady you could ever meet. She is very family oriented but she once confided in me that if she could do anything in the world she would travel to Africa and live with the gorilla's. I always thought that was one of the neatest fantasies any one ever shared with me. I like that idea and if I had the time and the money I would join Sandy!
Go visit all the participates of this fun Tuesday meme and enjoy my photo collage here: courtesy of images I found on the web.
Tuesday's Show and Tail
Monday, August 23, 2010
Hi everyone! I was hoping I would be able to wind down the postcard exchange by now. But still missing those key states, including Arkansas, Idaho, Illinois,Kansas,Kentucky, Missouri,Montana and New Hampshire. I have been filling my Colorful Colorado goody box with lots of fun items! Eight states to go! C'mon, join the fun! Thanks to everyone who has participated so gar! You all have entries into the win!
postcard exchange
My Review of 650 Thread Count Striped Sheet Set
Originally submitted at CSN Stores

650 Thread Count Striped Sheet Set
- Available in california king, full, king, olympic queen, split king, Twin and twin xl sizes
- Stripe sheet set in white, ivory, burgundy, black, gold, light blue, linen, medium blue, moss, sage and taupe
- Set includes flat sheet, fitted sheet, and two p...
Pure Luxury!
By Annesphamily from Denver, CO. on 8/23/2010
5out of 5
Pros: Comfortable, Easy To Clean, Nice Thread Count, Attractive Design, SoftBest Uses: Everyday Bedding
Describe Yourself: Budget Shopper
I have never owned such luxurious sheets. The 650 thread count is unbelievable. These sheets are gorgeous and feel great. I sleep like a baby now and so does my hubby!
When I won my cool gift card from Barb at http://dogmomdiva.blogspot.com/ I got these super cool sheets. They are burgundy in color, perfect with Fall int he air and they feel so soft and wonderful. You have to try them. I am going to buy another sheet soon!
Through all the ups and downs in life the hubby and I seem to compliment each other as we fight our way through troubled times and stay close whether we are in for the fun or the fear!
Please join us today and share your Love is... cartoons with us. Please welcome our newest Love is...participate Nea! Hi Nea!
Please join us today and share your Love is... cartoons with us. Please welcome our newest Love is...participate Nea! Hi Nea!
daily quote love is...
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Hi everyone! Welcome to Spiritual Sunday and the hostesses Ginger and Charlotte. Please go to Spiritual Sunday and thank them here.
I have a request today. Shortybear over at Shortybears place is losing her eye sight and needing a GIANT print bible. She wants an NIV Application bible and is currently saving to buy one. I buy lots of used bibles but I recently saw an NIV Application bible on their site. It is an imitation navy leather NIV giant print Application bible. I think the cost for a used one is around $37 with shipping. Does anyone out there have any other ideas?
I know how valuable God's Word is to all of us and I could use some input. I know the Gideon's will give you a free bible but they are the motel/hotel quality bibles and the print is small. Any suggestions? In the meantime please pray for Shortybear. If you stop by her blog you can see her on a sweet little video. She also has another prayer request so please go visit.
I tell you about her today because God does work in His own way. My hubby and I had eye appointments on Friday. He needs cataract surgery for his right eye. Please pray all goes well as he will go to work tomorrow and look at the time off schedule so he may schedule this as soon as possible. It will restore his sight to 20/20. Praise God! I was going to do this post about aging but perhaps another time. At my appointment I saw my right eye getting worse. I have horrendous vision anyway since the fourth grade when I started to wear glasses. My doctor said I am starting a cataract in the right eye and I am not too worried as I will just have the surgery too when the time comes but they worry about a detached retina with my poor eyesight. I am very fearful of losing my eyesight and therefore I ask for prayer. As a small child of 8 I watched my grandmother lose her sight to this disease. But she was so fearless never wavering. I wish I had one tenth of her courage. She lived out the rest of her life with such grace and trust that God would always do the right thing. I watched her, sightless, cut hand made noodles paper thin for making soup and grating old bread on a hand held grater to make bread crumbs and she never once scraped her hands! I thought God really was miraculous because she never wavered. I have tried to close my eyes and imagine being sightless and it frightens me. I think I need to learn to trust God wholeheartedly and some days that is so difficult. I ask for prayer for peace and thank you today for joining me here. I also remind you to pray for our military and for the homeless and all the hurting in our world.
Thanks for sharing with me today.
"Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, Nor have entered into the heart of man The things which God has prepared for those who follow Him." 1 Corinthians 2:9
I have a request today. Shortybear over at Shortybears place is losing her eye sight and needing a GIANT print bible. She wants an NIV Application bible and is currently saving to buy one. I buy lots of used bibles but I recently saw an NIV Application bible on their site. It is an imitation navy leather NIV giant print Application bible. I think the cost for a used one is around $37 with shipping. Does anyone out there have any other ideas?
I know how valuable God's Word is to all of us and I could use some input. I know the Gideon's will give you a free bible but they are the motel/hotel quality bibles and the print is small. Any suggestions? In the meantime please pray for Shortybear. If you stop by her blog you can see her on a sweet little video. She also has another prayer request so please go visit.
I tell you about her today because God does work in His own way. My hubby and I had eye appointments on Friday. He needs cataract surgery for his right eye. Please pray all goes well as he will go to work tomorrow and look at the time off schedule so he may schedule this as soon as possible. It will restore his sight to 20/20. Praise God! I was going to do this post about aging but perhaps another time. At my appointment I saw my right eye getting worse. I have horrendous vision anyway since the fourth grade when I started to wear glasses. My doctor said I am starting a cataract in the right eye and I am not too worried as I will just have the surgery too when the time comes but they worry about a detached retina with my poor eyesight. I am very fearful of losing my eyesight and therefore I ask for prayer. As a small child of 8 I watched my grandmother lose her sight to this disease. But she was so fearless never wavering. I wish I had one tenth of her courage. She lived out the rest of her life with such grace and trust that God would always do the right thing. I watched her, sightless, cut hand made noodles paper thin for making soup and grating old bread on a hand held grater to make bread crumbs and she never once scraped her hands! I thought God really was miraculous because she never wavered. I have tried to close my eyes and imagine being sightless and it frightens me. I think I need to learn to trust God wholeheartedly and some days that is so difficult. I ask for prayer for peace and thank you today for joining me here. I also remind you to pray for our military and for the homeless and all the hurting in our world.
Thanks for sharing with me today.
"Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, Nor have entered into the heart of man The things which God has prepared for those who follow Him." 1 Corinthians 2:9
Spiritual Sunday
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Friday, August 20, 2010
Have You Ever Seen a pink fire truck?
Yesterday the North Suburban Hospital campus hosted the Breast Cancer Awareness pink fire truck that goes around the country to show off the stainless steel ribbon representing the breast cancer awareness program. The fire fighters and their truck are all dressed in pink! it is an incredible sight to see. Unfortunately I did not have my camera as it is on vacation in Las Vegas with my older son. So I am showing you a few pictures from their website. They travel all over the country promoting breast cancer awareness. Having lost my favorite aunt Ang from the disease I decided I would post this for Pink Saturday in memory of her. She would have celebrated another birthday on August 19th and it was interesting that the hospital had the pink fire truck on their campus on this day. October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and these firefighters are asking all firefighters across the country to wear pink on October 25-26-27. .
I wanted to post this today because I have not posted my aunt Ang's birthday and she was a remarkable woman. She married in 1946 when she was 32 years old. She and my uncle never had children but they treated all of my siblings,cousins and myself as if we were their very own kids. She was a snappy dresser making most of her own clothes and wearing her hair in a big bouffant.. She was an incredible role model. When she got sick I think it was then that I noticed how the elderly have such little value in this world. It is all about the youthful appearances and old folks are kicked to the curb. If I had been in the financial situation I would have brought her to Denver and looked for other treatment options. She was my shopping buddy and we ate out all the time! She was a very cool lady and she served dinner to my uncle on her gorgeous fiest ware! He would not eat from a cold plate and I loved watching her heat those dinner plates in the oven before they sat down to a wonderful home cooked meal. I could talk about her forever. She was one of the many role models I grew up with, strong willed women with courage and strength that is rare today.
I dedicate this post to my beautiful auntie who suffered so terribly for this awful disease. On a brighter note my father's mother and two sisters all survived breast cancer in the 1940s and 1950s. How did that happen!? They all lived long full lives. I am just puzzled by it all.
So today please reach out to the Breast Cancer Awareness campaign. Wear some pink on October 25-26-27. Bake a pink cake! Spread the word and love those close to you without question.
Please thank Beverly at her site for hosting out Our Saturday posts. Then stop by and visit these pinkies, Elaine at her terrific blog. Elaine is one of the sweetest pinkies you will ever meet. She reaches out and welcomes us into this circle of pink friendship. Her family photos and brand new great grandbaby are just delightful. She writes beautifully and posts some wonderful things here including a fun giveaway. Please say hello to her. Then stop by to visit a new pinkie Lynn, she has a fun blog and loves cross stiching something I only know about and have the utmost respect for. I am crafty clueless for these intricate details and you will enjoy the visit to Lynn's place. She is a fun lady. Please say hello today.
My pink photos are here along with Auntie Ang smack in the middle of the KSKJ Catholic Lodge ladies who served up the best meals ever for our lodge dinner. She made the outfits the ladies are wearing and she is the one in the cute red diagonal apron. My sweet momma is on your far right.
I wanted to post this today because I have not posted my aunt Ang's birthday and she was a remarkable woman. She married in 1946 when she was 32 years old. She and my uncle never had children but they treated all of my siblings,cousins and myself as if we were their very own kids. She was a snappy dresser making most of her own clothes and wearing her hair in a big bouffant.. She was an incredible role model. When she got sick I think it was then that I noticed how the elderly have such little value in this world. It is all about the youthful appearances and old folks are kicked to the curb. If I had been in the financial situation I would have brought her to Denver and looked for other treatment options. She was my shopping buddy and we ate out all the time! She was a very cool lady and she served dinner to my uncle on her gorgeous fiest ware! He would not eat from a cold plate and I loved watching her heat those dinner plates in the oven before they sat down to a wonderful home cooked meal. I could talk about her forever. She was one of the many role models I grew up with, strong willed women with courage and strength that is rare today.
I dedicate this post to my beautiful auntie who suffered so terribly for this awful disease. On a brighter note my father's mother and two sisters all survived breast cancer in the 1940s and 1950s. How did that happen!? They all lived long full lives. I am just puzzled by it all.
So today please reach out to the Breast Cancer Awareness campaign. Wear some pink on October 25-26-27. Bake a pink cake! Spread the word and love those close to you without question.
Please thank Beverly at her site for hosting out Our Saturday posts. Then stop by and visit these pinkies, Elaine at her terrific blog. Elaine is one of the sweetest pinkies you will ever meet. She reaches out and welcomes us into this circle of pink friendship. Her family photos and brand new great grandbaby are just delightful. She writes beautifully and posts some wonderful things here including a fun giveaway. Please say hello to her. Then stop by to visit a new pinkie Lynn, she has a fun blog and loves cross stiching something I only know about and have the utmost respect for. I am crafty clueless for these intricate details and you will enjoy the visit to Lynn's place. She is a fun lady. Please say hello today.
My pink photos are here along with Auntie Ang smack in the middle of the KSKJ Catholic Lodge ladies who served up the best meals ever for our lodge dinner. She made the outfits the ladies are wearing and she is the one in the cute red diagonal apron. My sweet momma is on your far right.
Pink Saturday
Our baby is 17 today! Wow! The years have flown by! He is a high school junior and an excellent long distance runner. We are very proud of him and his accomplishments on the track and field team. He has been working part time with his brother at the pizza place. J delivers the orders and the baby takes them over the phone! But for now he needs to get settled into school and into his cross country season. His first race is set for next weekend. Woot Woot!
Here is a pictorial look at our baby boy! Happy birthday son!
Here is a pictorial look at our baby boy! Happy birthday son!
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